Crappy Calcium
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester,messageboard/action, replies/board_id,5479/cat_id,5079/topic_id,3310152/
Hope it works...may have to copy/paste into browser...
Like Ardbeg above,
I DID take two Citacals...But don't now...
a bit of explanation for my "One" Calcium Citrate,
when the full dose for the 630mgs is 2---
I do take less…than the 2 capsule dose…
e x p l a i n i n g…
Early out, my doc had me on just tums- first 6 weeks home from hospital while insides were still healing. ( I had extreme "stitching work." )
Then he switched me to 800mgs Calcium Citrate-Malate Combo
(Chelated Calcium pared with Malic Acid) That’s a particularly absorbable source for RNYer’s.
Did that till blood work-up at year one. Apparently, when combined with my typical diet, I was edging up toward the ‘top end’ of Calcium level. More than 1000 IU of Calcium tends to interfere with absorption of zinc, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, etc… My magnesium levels were dead center of optimum, and increase in calcium but not magnesium intakes, causes an imbalance in optimal calcium to magnesium ratios. When calcium in the body is too high compared to magnesium, excess calcium (free Calcium) deposits in the soft tissues. With my Heart Valve being an easy target for calcification of surrounding tissue, he dropped me back to 2 CitraCals with D (Total dose-630mg / VitD 400IU) and then 3 months later, (my blood is checked very often due to all of the surgeries in the first years) He had me drop back to only one of them.
A lot of it IS due to my Dairy consumption. I haven’t had any Lactose intolerance problems after the first 5 months so I get in at least 2 to 4 full dairy servings a day.
Skim Milk - 1 cup = 302 Mgs Elemental Calcium
Yogurt – 8oz = 400 Mgs Elemental Calcium
And I Love Fat Free Sour Cream in/on most everything!!
It adds up pretty quick.
I had a ‘dex-scan’ back in September and all is well. Back then my exercise included very regular jogging, something I’ve got to get back into the habit of doing more consistently. That medium impact exercising does wonders for putting the Calcium into the bones.
not just the Calcium...Vitamins in general-------
One Last Vitamin Tip-
(last? Who am I kidding…..
This Horse will die from over-indulgence of grass, long before I stop the infomercials! J )
I used to read all the time on the Grads Board of folks- Not absorbing their Vitamins, Which Vitamins to Take, Avoid, etc…
Thought I’d pass on an old tip from my Doc.
Early on chew them!
That’s why so many of the Docs prescribe Children’s Chew-ables and Tums for Calcium.
These are Great early on, but not enough Calcium or Vitamins Later. Just cruise the Grads Board and read some of the crap that happens to folks who don’t get in enough Vitamins, and you’ll be "All About" some Vitamins!
(not for Banders, it’s not a problem they face)
So, Here’s the tip-
If you don’t get the chewable adult vitamins- like Bariatric Vitamins
Or Centrum Silver or such, you run the risk of the Vitamin passing on by
Your "receptor sites" in your intestines before they have time to dissolve.
A lot of pill go plunk in the toilet from By-passers.
But, you don’t have to keep chewing all of your pills
Once your past those first months and over the surgical trauma.
Take your pill and place it in a cup of warm water.
If after 5 minutes, it’s not dissolving or disintegrating?
Then it will most likely zip right on past your absorption areas
In your intestines while still a solid little pill.
If it doesn’t "break down" in the water, then break it or bite it
Before swallowing.
Side Note:----My Doc isn’t a ‘Nutritionist’
But he came into Bariatric Practice with a major interest in all things "gut related."
He had been a vascular surgeon who had a run in with colon cancer.
Went on to follow up med school with specialist training as a gastroenterologist,
And is "All About" some intestines. Sort of a Man with a Mission.
I love that about him. Sort of the "Born Again Guts Guy!"
When my intestines burst further down the pipe
(Not due to the surgery, but rather my systems response to waking from the anesthesia)
He was like the shoe-makers elves putting me back together.
Now with the Vitamins?
My solution is often just to chew up the Dam things
Whether they were ‘designed’ to be or not.
Sure, it tastes like chewing up a piece of chalk, but I don’t take for the taste. A swig of water later, and even the worst tasting "Urinal-Cake" of a Vitamin is just a memory.
I do the same with my Citracals. No taste issue, but even if there was?--I don't take 'em for the Flavor. Yes?
All this to say-
Take your Frickin’ Vitamins / Calcium, and most importantly--
Make sure you are absorbing them!
Drop one in some water to check yours out.
No one gets points for the number of intake pills down the crapper!
Best Wishes-
I get the calcium pills through taste great, less filling, but I get my calcium in.