Plastic surgery post - chin/neck lipo?
Has anyone on this forum had liposuction to the neck?
I've been very lucky that overall my skin has tightened up quickly as I lost weight after my VSG but I do have a little sagginess under my chin. Probably what would be expected as I hit middle age but I have been considering getting under-chin lipo. Most of the before/after pictures on the 'net appear to show that this kind of lipo is quite successful at tightening up the chin and jowles. Anyone had experience with this?
There is a new procedure called smartlipo that uses a laser in addition to the lipo. The laser is supposed to cause the skin to tighten up over time. There is a lady on the plastic surgery forum who had it performed approximately 5 weeks ago and she is thrilled with the results thus far. I believe the cost was about $2000 and the recovery time was very quick.
I am thinking about having this done in the near future. Good luck.
Got Nothin'!
I was very fortunate that my "jowl/double-triple-Chin"
drew up to better than could ever be expected for someone my age.
I do have a Gal in my support group who had her 'neck' done.
Looks great, subtle, but improved
And apparently it was a quick and relatively painless ordeal.
Best Wishes-