Staples ????
Staples are there for good. Question for the Doc is whether or not they ‘transect’ the stomach. That prevents any possibility of staple-line disruption in the future. Staples and a pouch implies an RNY procedure, There’s also the DS, the Lap-Band, VSG and others. Welcome to the Men’s Message Board. We’ve got some of all of the different types of procedures represented here. Just throw out a question and someone is most likely to have experience and info to share. Best Wishes- Dx
yep, yep, &yep.
"falling off?" No,
But, there are folks who had simple stapling off of a portion of their stomach to form a pouch, and later, the stapled off portion opened back up leaving them with same full sized stomach as before. Sort of started by one or two staples letting go and just "unzipped." (to use an analogy)
So it left them with a semi-scared stomach, but full capacity and with the food moving through "The old stomach" into the duodenum, just as if they never had the surgery. It is rare, but does happen. That’s one of the major problems that calls for folks to seek "revisions." There’s a Revisions Forum at-
??? Are the doctors unsure about the long term effect of this staples holding on ? No, not "unsure," but like with every surgery, there’s always the chance of a "screw-up." The staples are statistically fine, but, since it takes the skill level and "touch" of the doc out of the equation and relies on a tech device to "set the staples’ if the stapler needs to be adjusted or fine-turned, that’s something the doc might not know until after it screws up. Follow? Just going from a "Stapler" as the example- If you were sewing 2 pieces of paper together, you’d know right up front if you could and if you had finished doing it adequately. But when you go to use a stapler? Do you check it before you pop the two pieces of paper together? Nope, after the fact, you look to see if it worked or not. Surgical "Staple-Misfire" is one of the rare yet possible complications of this surgery. Probably some folks on the revisions or complications Forum could share personal info of just that. Water tasting like metal after? Early on after, yes. Longterm? Not so much. Following ANY surgery that uses general anesthesia, the taste and smell senses are totally whacked! Not a result of Bariatric procedure on any longterm basis. Some may claim that, but no evidence to support it. I had more odd taste/smell changes after my open heart surgery than with my WLS. Best Wishes- Dx