Food cravings...just curious
Al, "Cravings" are an interesting set of issues. In my Pre-Op Psyche-Eval, that was one of the topics I discussed with the Shrink. Here’s what I thought was an interesting bit of insight. It seems that most people (not just the Obese) have "cravings" and sometimes Un-natural "Comfort-Food" moments. "What" you crave is very telling as to "Why" you crave. Some examples- When a person is ‘stressed’ by anxiety (fear) or anger, the body preps for "Fight or Flight." Either of these are ramped up needs of electrolytes for increased reaction times. The body needs Salts- to "run away quickly" or "fight to the Death." The primitive Limbic system of the brain can’t tell the difference between Fear of not making the Bills this month or Saber-tooth Tiger on the ledge above. The brain signals the body that "Salts" are ‘to be used.’ This results in wanting a salty snack. On the other end of the spectrum… If one is depressed, feeling un-loved/under-appreciated and in general Sad, The limbic system seeks "Nuture." Mother’s Milk. Restorative caloric increase. Suddenly a sad person finds that sweet taste (as from milk sugars) to be the most attractive taste. Combine that with an increased desire for Dairy fats? Equals--- "I’m Sad, I want Ice Cream!" I just thought it was interesting. Depending on the craving, there may be an emotional dip or spike that is causing it. So if you’re ‘craving’ Doritos? Figure out what is making you mad or anxious. If you’re ‘craving’ Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey? What’s got you down? Fix the underlying emotional pressure and it may relieve the craving. ‘Craving’ pickles with Ice Cream? Figure out who ‘knocked you up!’ Med studies do show that sweet tasting foods (even Sugar Free Sugar substitutes) Trigger the body to feel more hungry. Many find that by "giving in" just a little to sweets, Only accelerates their desire for more. Then there is also the "3 bite Rule" that many find works well for them. Russ posted it as- "1st bite.....does it taste as good as I think it will.... 2nd bite....conformation ...yep it tasted pretty good.... 3rd bite.....that's your last bite...." The whole notion is based on the fact that the sensation of taste Is dulled by similar tasting material. The first couple of bites is when the flavor is impressive, after that, it’s merely ‘consumption.’ Sort of like seeing a bright color. It has a huge impact at first But after a short while of being exposed to it We have "color fatigue" and it no longer seems to have the "Punch" it did at first. Switch to a new color? Bam!! It seems all the brighter that the previous. This "impact appeal" of new sensation to the senses is why all animals will over eat if given a larger variety to feed on, and will eat less if given just One food. The Buffet! Is a romp up the taste sensation spectrum. A craving, tends to be targeted to one "color" or range of flavor. There’s also a great book called "Turn off the Hunger Switch." It’s by an ‘Ex-Bariatric Surgeon" who claims (based on several studies) That deficiencies & imbalances in particular brain chemistry Are responsible for compulsive cravings that lead to obesity in many people. Very interesting approach. Sorry to babble on…. I just find the whole "Cravings / Compulsion" thing very interesting…. Answer to your question? Substitute with something in the same 'flavor range' That has far less calories, or get to the emotional root of the craving and meet that need head on, rather than numbing it down with food. Best Wishes- Dx
on 6/13/07 9:32 am - MO