Confession is good for the Soul

(deactivated member)
on 6/11/07 8:36 pm - Houston, TX
Ok guys this could be fun... We all know that in the past, we have been HAWGS.. but since we are eating better now, we still indulge from time to time... What was the one thing that you ate over the past week, that you had absolutely no need to eat.....but you thought you wanted it... (please if you are having a hard time loosing don;t feel the need to join in....this is for an indulgance...not to rub it in your face) I will start...I have no Idea why I even bought should have burned my fingers putting it in the shopping basket... The Hillbilly Staple....the Sodium Bomb... Chicken in a Bisket Crackers with Squirt Cheese from a can... I think I ate 5 of much salt, it blistered the inside of my mouth.... They are now in the trash I feel absolved now russ
on 6/11/07 9:59 pm - Upstate, SC
Russ, My wife still buys a package of potato salad for herself. I love the stuff, definatly a trigger food fo me, But now I have no reason to have any. Though I still find myself dipping a spoonful when ever I am putting things in the fridge.
(deactivated member)
on 6/11/07 10:14 pm - Houston, TX
UpState SC,  sound  real close to my home town...Gastonia... Russ
Dx E
on 6/11/07 11:26 pm - Northern, MS

Mornin’ Russ! As far as the- "the one thing that you ate over the past week, that you had absolutely no need to eat.....but you thought you wanted it..."? Well, I’m almost like a zealous convert, but still I "stray from the path" occasionally. For me it’s not the "Culinary Crack" of snack or junk food, but some plain-ole stuff that seems like a fine choice. For me, I’ve avoided the "Dump-Triggers" like sweets, but even though I know that some of the "white-carbs" will make me sleepy soon after eating, I still grab them. Funny you started this thread cause just last night I had a bite (or three) too much of corn. "Sominex-on-the-Cob." It causes no intestinal discomfort, no gas or toilet issues, but nearly every time I eat it, I get a little hit of that "Late-Stage-Dumping" where my blood-sugar drops and I can fall asleep standing up. Last night I had to pause to take a 30 minute nap before 7:00, with still hours or work left to do in my studio. It’s one of those things that "I know better, Yet Do." Now, I nearly wrote a post about this very thing a few days ago, so bear with my long reply… The idea that- "Confession’s good for the Soul?" Sure, but maybe not for the "Souls of others" I’m beginning to think…. Week before last, at my local support group, a bunch of folks were "Confessing" About stuff they still ate. The room was a mix of longer-term Post-ops and Newbies (just a few weeks out.) It dawned on me that they were "cheating" and eating way more crap Than I ever allowed myself to have. Our Surgeon is often at our meetings And I guess in his absence, some folks were "Comin’ Clean" about their choices. What struck me was the sense that some have with- "If they do it, I might not be so bad for me…" Follow? Nearly the same way a "New-Op" can hear about a new Vitamin or a Protein Shake and think- "I’ll have to try that…" I think that sometimes, knowing that others are stepping out of line From doctor’s recommendations, emboldens others to think - "Well, WE all do it." When in fact, WE ALL Don’t. On the Main-Board here I’ve even seen some folks respond with- "Well [insert name of popular Board Poster here] eats it, so it can’t be that bad of a choice!" I got the un-easy feeling at the support group that it veered into "Enablers Anonymous" for a bit. I felt a little like "The Food Nazi" of the group, when after the second person mentioned their weekly "Popeye’s Fried Chicken Blow-Out" and a third said- "I Just Gotta Have my Popeye’s, that’s a given!" I felt like an A-Hole mentioning that I got to be Morbidly Obese By sticking with the "I Just Gotta-Have" –approach to eating. So, all that babble to say, Yes, It’s good to know that some of that - "I know better but Still Do it" –activity takes place in most folks, And so no one is "the Lone Ranger" when it comes to poor food choices. Talk about a "Been There, Done That" topic! But I think it’s more valuable for folks to hear "How I stopped…." Or "How I broke the cycle of…" Or "How I made it past that bump in the road was…." Than just to know "We Understand." Yes? SO, ? "How’d I get past having Corn on the Cob that I know acts like Ambien for me?" Still working on it. I have gotten it down to a very rare event. I have dodged the issue completely sometimes, by not buying it with the groceries for the most part, But, other folks in the house do enjoy it as well, And it doesn’t mess with them in anyway, so for them it’s actually a Great food choice. Guess I’m gonna keep working to have another option that I enjoy Available every time the corn hits the table at my house. At least that’s the plan, and that’s half the battle. It’s not as Dramatic and effective as - "Takin’ a Whiz in the Ice Cream!" But then, what is really? What is? Thanks for the interesting thread…. Best Wishes- Dx

(deactivated member)
on 6/11/07 11:48 pm - Houston, TX
Auch tung Baby... Food nazi here...last night I was getting my tat worked on, and my nephew was there....(can you say redneck...tattooing in a family function) and while I was laying on the table, I said, GAWD, look at all those unnessary calloried you are stuffing in your face.....Taco Bell Cholesteral bomb du jour...but he is 17 and fit...and just snarrled like trying to take a bone from a dog... I see the poing of enabeling....I was thinking more of...write it out, and be honest about how you cheated.....accountability is a word i'm stuck on lately.... But if you eat your corn right before you go to bed, you may kill 2 bords with one stone,,,,and save the ambien for another night.... Some of the chicks use the 3 bite rule..... 1st bite.....does it taste as good as I think it will.... 2nd bite....conformation ...yep it tasted pretty good.... 3rd bite.....that's your last bite.... russ
on 6/12/07 12:46 am - Upstate, SC
Russ, Fairly close I am just about 60 miles away from Gastonia. Gastonia  very nice community when I driven through the area.  And yes they, unlike Houston, still have an occational rain. Herb
on 6/11/07 10:40 pm - Bradford, MA
I had the smallest piece imaginable of chocolate chip pancake the other morning, of course after my omlette and ham. It was my desert.

7/15/07 - 225 pounds


on 6/11/07 11:00 pm - Willingboro, NJ
Unfortunately, I don't dump.  I do have trouble digesting fatty foods such as potato chips or more than 1/2 cup of ice cream at a sitting.  But, it doesn't stop me.  I usually have 1  family size bag of chips per weekend.  I eat ice cream bars throughout the week.  I'm a carb addict and the RNY didn't change that.  Prior to having the surgery, I had been in OA for almost 20 years and gained 300 lbs.  I've also had extensive psychotherapy including a year dealing with this problem alone.  I give up.  But, I am losing weight due to exercise and my inability to gorge myself at meals.
Knotty Druid
on 6/11/07 11:12 pm - MA
I recently had a ghiardelli chocolate brownie with a scoop of brighams vanilla ice cream, with hot fudge sauce and whipped cream. Being mindful of my figure, I skipped the cherry. I ate about 4 bites, then split the rest between my kids. Chocolate heaven!
Michael B.
on 6/11/07 11:31 pm, edited 6/11/07 11:37 pm - Gilbert, AZ

Russ: You might be a redneck if... you love chicken biscuits so much that you'll seek them out in cracker form and then top them with aerosol cheese!!! ...Me? I indulged on a, OK two, Breyer's "Carb Smart" Ice cream bar, low in sugar but high in sugar alcohol and fat, did I dump? Hell yes!!!! Will I do it again???...don't think so, I managed to avoid the ice cream calling my name in the fridge for three months and I was rewarded with my most severe dumping episode yet so for now I think I will stick to the SF fudgcicles....The shrink at our support group talked about this topic a few months back using cheeseburgers as an example, basically she recommended giving in once in a while but not by going to McDonalds but by cooking up a lean burger and sauteeing some onions yourself, basically reward yourself for the self-dicipline with a healthier self-concocted facsimile.

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