Stupid Hypothetical Question???
Great Post Scott! I've often wondered about that, I've talked to people that said they were afraid of me just because of my size (before WLS) but I haven't been told anything being down 240++ lbs
If I was gonna try to kick my Pre-op ass, I'd try to dance around him and jab like Rocky, But If he got a grip on me lol. I'd be worried...I've lost more than half of my strength that I used to have, But speed can overcome power especially in the SMO, I'd only hope that were the case, If I had to do it. Take care.
Oh, yeah. No doubt about it. I work out with more weight on some exercises than I ever weighed MO. My pre-op ass would be out of breath way before I would now and my straps of muscles across my post op biceps, deltoids and chest muscles would be able to put my pre-op self in a painful headlock/ squeeze.
He'd be in sorry shape!