365 days ago today...
Yo Bob! Congratulations on your 1st year out! Keep it Up!! (now, because it’s this Board, and I read your profile entry, I may have some helpful thoughts to pass along. Elsewhere a gal would maybe feel un-supported by what I have to add, but I think it might be helpful.) Ease up on yourself! You really have done great, and you’re doing great. You look 20 years younger, and if someone meets you for the first time? They’d assume you Never had any weight problem in the past. Not losing it all in year one? Big F’in Deal! Unless you’re a sloppy sky-diver, looks like you got plenty of time left on your shot clock. Just keep pluggin’ along. 9 pounds in 3 months is another 36 this next year. From the ‘looks of your photo? Your "Goal" maybe low. Remember that actors Will Smith and Harrison Ford have BMI’s that put them in the top of the ‘Overweight’ Group. And Sylvester Stallone lands in the "Obese" category. If you’re doing all that exercise? You might be a Rocky Balboa and never drop below Obese. As far as what you look like? This I got from Dr. Ganz at the Convention in Lexington last year- There’s about a year or so lag in "Body Image Perception" for most folks who’ve lost their weight. Even after hitting goal or going under, Many people still "Feel Like" and "Perceive Themselves" at chubby, fat, etc… I know I did. Dr. G said that taking as many photos of yourself-standing with Other people And looking at them, helps speed the process of getting past "skewed self-image." In our minds, we have a picture of what we look like. If it’s been there long? It’s sort of "burned into the mind’s eye." By looking at photos that specifically have folks in them that we can see "in comparison" It gets to be easier to have a realistic sense of what we look like. Yes? Now…being Vain? Nah…If after you hit year two and have a little loose skin? Hell, go have it cut off. I resisted having PS for a full year. Super glad I did though. It’s a whole new ball game. Sorry to babble on, but rather than just throw out a "Congratulations!" and a handful of glitter at your azz- leaving it at that, I thought I might have some helpful advice. Keep at it, Lighten up while lightening up and Enjoy the new you. You seriously look younger enough to be your own son. See ya round the Boards!! Best Wishes- Dx