%&*#ing Body Fat Scales
Found yet another problem with the reliability of body fat scales.
I have been a defender of relying on body fat analysis rather than just weight to measure progress, and also of using body fat scales that use bioelectrical impedance analysis (Tanita being the most famous brand).
But they sure are finicky. The first problem I found is that the bottoms of my feet are too thick to get a stable readout. I fixed that by weighing after I shower while my feet are still moist. But I was still having the occasional anomalous result. Today I realized that the result changes depending on whether my calves are touching.
Given that I have big calves and the contact points are only about six inches apart, the safe money is that they have been touching most of the time. It's also safe to say (unfortunately) that the more accurate result is achieved when they are not touching. A bit of Googling reveals I'm not the first person to note this problem, though I did not come across it in my initial research.
So I started fatter (and am fatter) than I realized. Oh well. At least I was usually consistent, so my progress during that time was probably accurately measured. I'm just a couple weeks further from my goal than I thought.
For a while (some time back) we had a number of guys here
who "swore by" a quick trip through a BOD POD®
Many gyms have them, as do some med centers.
This is what I had on my hard drive-
"Where can I find out if there is a BOD POD testing facility in my area? For information about the nearest BOD POD to you, call 1-800-4 BOD POD, or send an email to [email protected]. Be sure to indicate the city and state you live in."
The reliability and accuracy is supposed to be top notch. I’ve never had a trip in one myself. I got a hydrostatic immersion test (for free) at the sports Med facility on my campus…
(one of the few, if odd, perks of being faculty.)
Just passing it on…
Perhaps a "check-up" to see how close your bioelectrical impedance analysis is to accurate. Then you can adjust accordingly?
I do similar on "weight only" with my scales- calibrating them to make sure they match my surgeons.
(yep, drug in my scale under my arm, right in the waiting room. I am shame-less.)
Best Wishes-
Thanks Dex, I'll bookmark their site for the future.
Of course, right now, relative accuracy is more important than absolute accuracy. I just want to be able to track muscle gains/losses so I can adjust my workout routine (and perhaps food intake) accordingly. Plus it's nice to have the occasional reassurance that I'm making progress even when the scale isn't moving as much as I'd like.
When I lose another 70-80 pounds, I definitely plan on getting a more accurate measurement so I can zero-in on my goal. That'll be a good time for the BodPod. If I can't find one of those around here, maybe I'll adjunct at the local law school for a semester so I can get a fancy immersion test like you.
(Or maybe a DEXA scan, to check on my bones as well.)