Summer Heat

on 5/30/07 10:11 pm - Stockton, CA
Summer weather is here in Central California.  It was well into the 90's this week and in the high summer it will be at or over 100*.  I work for the USPS as a field maintinance mechanic traveling to the smaller offices doing repairs.  Yesterday I was on a roof repairing an A/C.  Up and down the ladder combined with the heat and being a very heavy sweater I tend to lose alot of water but I also drink alot of water to replace what I lost.  Yesterday I drank three liters within four hours.  My concern is that after surgery I won't be able to drink enough water in a short time to keep from feeling light headed and exhausted due to water loss.  I have always been a heavy sweater even before I got heavy.  Any suggestions for staying hydrated in summer heat will be greatly appreciated.       
on 5/30/07 10:40 pm - Bellefonte, PA
Papabear47, Drinking water in volume shouldn't be a problem for you post-op. "Chugging" water may be an issue but you will find you can still drink the volume you used to. If you have access to a freezer, you may want to have some sugar-free ice pops on hand too. They are great for trickling in your water and keeping cool. Best of Luck to you. Mike
(deactivated member)
on 5/30/07 11:09 pm - Houston, TX
Hey Papa, Boy youre life is getting ready to change....I understand you concer ...and it is valid....I would say for about 4-5 moths or so, you are really going to have to pace yourself to get in your fluids.... I would duggest taking a bottle of water with you on the roof, and sip up there...just put it in your tool bag.... I'm grinning, because, you sound liek me 2 years ago...ok go work work chug water.....same thing with food, work work a lot..... Gawd....not to have a Dr phil moment, but...a mojor portion of your journey will be to learn how to procede it a manner that allows you to work and not harm you body>>>>Geez but that is what you will have to do.... On the up side....getting up and down those ladders will get easier, and over time you will see a difference ok my advise...yo goott pace yourself... Russ
on 5/30/07 11:57 pm - Colonial Heights, VA
papaB, Legit worry but don't. As has been said, the recovery window is an adjustment period.  Getting your strength and stamina back after surgery is going to take a solid 4-8 weeks depending on how your body responds to the ordeal.  You will need to be sure to get your protein and B-12 in to keep your strength up and walk as much as you can stand to get back in the game as quick as possible. The water deal, are going to get lighter, you are going to sweat less than you ever have before.  You body is going to be different and function different if you don't screw it up cheating and forcing more than it wants.  It is a real life change.   I keep a cooler with a couple of ice packs in my van to have a stash of water and protein bars with me, especially when I am working outside.  Most of the time I can go all day but I have to take a periodic 5-10 to get in some fluids and protein or a banana.  OJ sometimes is helpful too but aonly  few swallows at a time so I don't have that woozy dumping feeling.  I can go 12 hrs at a time I could never do since my 20s. Bottom line and short answer, are going to be better than ever but might need to keep a water in your car or tool bag.  It doesn't take alot but it is necessary.  You'll just need to listen to what you body is telling you and it will tell you stuff, we just have to listen.  And that is easier too when we are not covering everything by just eating to solve everything. Sorry about the length of the reponse.  Looking forward to you being on this side of the process.    Joe
Beam me up Scottie
on 5/31/07 2:30 am
I just wanted to add to what everyone else is saying.... I went from breaking out in a sweat in the middle of winter in a 50 degree room sitting still being cold in an 80 degree room that had a fan on too high.   It will be a bit difficult to drink a lot quickly after surgery, just keep an eye on your pee....if it gets too dark it means yoru dehydrated.  Pee should be clear to a very light yellow (almost clear)'s one of the first signs that your not getting enough liquids.  Other signs such as dizziness, chills, passing out, having nausea, dry mouth ..are other signs of not getting enough liquids.   Just think next summer your issue will be should I bring my blue or red sweater to the air conditioned mall/movie/resturant. Scott
on 5/31/07 3:56 am - los angeles, CA
hey pb,

i'm a contractor in southern cal and i work with my crew. so i'm used to the heat and your issue. in the beginning you have to sip. later you can drink regular. i always take a cooler to work with bottles of propel because it has the electrolites. so keep the water handy and like the guys said just sip all day until you can drink normal again. i guess i could chug now but don't. also, you'll find you won't probably sweat near as much as you used too. i was a heavy sweater too, big time. now, i'm freezing most of the time! it takes a lot to work up a sweat. i jog 2 to 3 miles with my dog and i'm only sweating at the end of the run!

so on the job keep drinking. i forget to do that sometimes. keep your pee in the white range for good measure. you'll be flying up that ladder in no time....carbonblob
Dx E
on 5/31/07 8:32 am - Northern, MS

Papabear, That’s a big change in the future… I used to sweat even if I was up to my neck in ice-water! J For over 20 years, it always looked like I had gel or something in my hair- It was Never dry from the sweat. By the time I got it dry from the shower, It was soaking wet with sweat. I would sweat like I was paid by the quart! I’m in Mississippi where it can stay 99 degrees while raining all day. Dog's Mouth Hot/wet, sticky, Tarzan-jungle Hot! Steam-bath-hot. 40 year-old Virgin on the 4th of July, On the equator, straddling a volcano, Masturbating with a lit sparkler, Dipped in Tabasco sauce- Hot! At least that how I "Did" think of it… Now? I can wear long-sleeves, a tie and a blazer all day at a cookout in the sun on 4th of July And never get damp in the arm-pits. Amazing difference!!! Getting in water? My first 9 months I had a sports bottle of water That looked like it grew out of my hand. Never without it. Just sipped my way down to the size I am now. At around a year and a half? I could ‘gussle-It’ again….. Early on, maybe look into one of those "Smar****ers" or something like Propel that has electrolytes in it… That’ll get you there till you get to be one of those guys biotching about how cold the winters are. Best Wishes- Dx

on 5/31/07 10:02 am - Oxnard, CA
Get into the habit of constant hydration. I spent the holiday weekend at Lake San Antonio near Paso Robles, CA. I almost fainted twice putting up my tent. It was about 102 degrees. The heat does wonders on us when we aren't "properly" hydrated. Just stay hydrated as best you can and stay on top of your supplements. All that sweating and urinating has a tendency to dilute your blood mineral profile. Good luck :thumbsup: Ben
Michael B.
on 5/31/07 2:04 pm - Gilbert, AZ
I am a landscaper, and knowing what it is like to work a ten to twelve hour day in 100 degree heat with the humidity of the Carolina's I could not imagine how I could ever stay hydrated. It was the first question I asked the surgeon at the seminar. He said I would be OK , but I still didn't beleive him.  Well, I am two months post-op now and I can tell you that once enough healing occured in the new pouch - about five weeks for me - I can now down a liter of water in less then 10 minutes. I can't chug, but I can do more than sip, I can take about three gulps at a time and repeat after a few seconds. I also agree with all of the other guys about the decreases in sweating that most guys enjoy. Hope, this puts your concern at ease.

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on 5/31/07 2:33 pm - Stockton, CA

As usual you gents have a lot of good advice. I carry 3 liters of water with me in my work truck and all or most of it is gone by the time I get home and then have another liter or so in the evening.  As suggested I will need to pace myself and sip,sip,sip.   I have heard that after the surgery a lot of men slow down in their sweating and can feel cooler than what they were used to.  To me it seems too good to be true but I believe you guys. And that 40 year old virgin with the sparkler tends to make my head hurt just thinking about it!  

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