New Travel FART
OK, guys. Here is one that snuck up on me. I do a lot of traveling in my job. Certainly the weight loss and no longer being in threat of needing an extender is a good one. But for the first time I realized something. I no longer have to worry about spilling something on a shirt or destroying a pair of pants. Because I can buy off the rack now at 38 inch waist, 17.5 shirt or XL, I can shop anywhere. No longer a need to find a Big and Tall Shop at the last minute!!!! Any clothing store selling men's clothing will do. Pretty cool feeling.
That is great; I'm definitely looking forward to that. I walked by some suits in a store the other day that looked nice, and were marked down 80% to make room for summer inventory. As usual, I thought "never for us big guys, we can spend $600, and that doesn't even mean it will be nice." Then I realized that by the end of the year, I was probably going to be in the range of suits on that rack. I had to work not to guess at a size and buy one, reminding myself that such deals will be available to me later with no guessing.