Post Op Visit
Well my surgery was 2 weeks ago today and I went for my post op visit. Took the staples out, talked about the problem with the optisource vitamins and the acid reflux. Told me to lay off the Optisource for a little while and gave me a script for Prilosec. Just like you guys she said the pouch is still swollen and may be for another week or two. Oh yea, BTW, I'm down 30 lbs! (does that count as a FART?)
Don - Just in cae the Prilosec doesn't work for you, ask you doc about Prevacid. The only problem I have had since my VSG surgery last October was with frequent acid reflux. I used a lot of Prilosec and Tagament and other over the counter meds but none worked very well - which was odd since they all had worked for me before the surgery. Once I took the Prevacid, I haven't had even a single episode of acid reflux. I was lucky that my health plan covers it - some don't.
There are a number of drugs that do similar things, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). I copied a list below from Wikipedia. For my insurance (BCBS of Alabama), you can go to the website and type in a drug name, and they say whether they cover it and what alternatives are covered at the same or different copay. We have three levels of copays, so it's important to try to find one that's cheaper (cheaper list price doesn't equal cheaper copay, BTW).
I was on the stuff over a year before surgery for GERD. Some people respond better to one, some another. My gastrointerologist was very cool about letting me call-in a request to try a different one for a month or two at a time until I found the one that worked best for me (Protonix). Prevacid and Nexium worked well but seemed to have side effects for me. I also liked Aciphex, but not enough to pay an extra $30 a month.
Omeprazole (brand names: Losec®, Prilosec®, Zegerid®)
Lansoprazole (brand names: Prevacid®, Zoton®, Inhibitol®)
Esomeprazole (brand names: Nexium®)
Pantoprazole (brand names: Protonix®, Somac®, Pantoloc®)
Rabeprazole (brand names: Rabecid, Aciphex®, Pariet®)
Lansoprazole (brand names: Prevacid®, Zoton®, Inhibitol®)
Esomeprazole (brand names: Nexium®)
Pantoprazole (brand names: Protonix®, Somac®, Pantoloc®)
Rabeprazole (brand names: Rabecid, Aciphex®, Pariet®)