Yeah Ronnie!

on 5/17/07 1:14 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Hey, Compliments on taking your frustration and creating a tremedous thread.  I have read through it 3 times so far,...jus soakng in the experiences shared.  I am sorry it came at the expense of your job search.  But it is evidence of good things comng from our efforts when trying to make right choices and do good things; you were positive instead of being negative and did something really god that benefited many. Keep you head up about your work, the right job will come and from a person with the foresight to appreciate your potential and offerings.  My only advise as being fired in 1990 and taking 4 months to get another job,...take a serious look at your resume, appearance, any portfolio of work samples and try to see your self from the employers perspective.  It is harder to get a job when you are unemployed because people are scared of why you are and sometimes stop listening when certain things are said and don't hear the whole story.  Maybe reach for somethings or be more diverse in what you apply for, you may be reaching too low because of your frustration and period of unemployment.  Self esteem and self persecption are sometimes our own worst enemies.  Maybe get your wife to role play an interview or something and take it seriuos to get her feedback. I feel like you are on the brink of something good, just perservere.  It will happen. Joe
Ron .
on 5/17/07 7:14 am - DFW, TX

Thanks, Joe! I never imagined that this thread would get the attention that it did. I think all of us suffer from varying degrees of depression, whether we want to acknowledge it, or not. Depression is what got us to the point of needing surgical intervention in the first place. Unless you have done something to cure the depression, you have only created supression. In life, it's easy to focus on one thing in your life and convince yourself that, if that one thing would change, that you would somehow be better off. Before surgery, that one thing for me was my weight. I convinced myself that, if I weighed 100 pounds less, life would be perfect. Well, guess what, I weigh 112 pounds less, life is a whole lot better, but not perfect. One thing we all need to watch out for post-surgery is exchanging one bad habit, for yet another. For instance, changing our food habit, to maybe buying clothes. Although, I would venture to guess that buying clothes is more healthy for our bodies than over eating. But all this does is supress the real underlying problem. I know that I have changed from thinking life would be better without the weight, to things would be better with a good job. But things will not be any different, except that I will be working. One step I took to help myself from this way of thinking is working part time at the newspaper. I'm friends with the circulation director, and can quit without notice at any time, if need be. And it also helps bring a little money in the household. Please don't get the wrong idea. I'm not depressed all the time. Right now, it seems that negative thoughts creep back in when the job hunt is not moving forward, like I think it should. I have thought about seeing a doctor about prescribing some anti-depressants, but don't think it's necessary since it only occurs occasionally. Another reason is I'm able to talk to my wife and think about the issue at hand and it usually makes me feel a lot better. I'm now completely past what I was feeling the other day about being turned down AGAIN. Looking ahead, I've actually got 2 more jobs I'm working towards. Wish me luck! Ronnie 

on 5/17/07 12:07 pm - Holland, MI
Keep the faith, Brother.  It's actually easier to find a job, if your already working. Even in a crappy job. I don't understand it, but employers are leary of hiring someone who's unemployed. That's been my experience anyway. If all else fails, hang out a shingle, and start something up from scratch. Even if it never gets off the ground, it looks great on a resume. Just my 2cents. DD
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