feeling kinda crummy
I guess because with the pouch things just don't hand around, nausea is not something I get very often. There were a few exceptions when I had the internal hernia and gas was pushing on the pouch, but you're probably way too early for any such problems. Probably just a virus or something you ate, but maybe your doctor will want to do some bloodwork? The 40 lbs is great, congrats!
Hope you feel Better!
Man, this excuse comes in handy when I don't want to change diapers. (I don't abuse it...I use it judiciously)
Elliot I guess looking back a year ago I went thru some of those sick feelings. You are doing the best thing you can do - CALL YOUR DR Dan
If you have a prayer request whether WLS or personal, please visit our website at www.packardministries.org and click on PRAYER or email me at [email protected]
You will be added to our daily prayers. One of our ministry objectives is to support those having or had WLS. Pastor Dan