If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
Hey Doug, We’ve had a few guys here who’ve had strictures. It does take a number of visits to get them up to working well size. Sounds like your diet intake is what you can handle. Bread has never been a good one for me since surgery nearly 4 years ago. It goes down fine, but leaves me feeling uncomfortable and turns into BigTime Gas. Meat? No problem. Once you get the stricture up and running right, you should be able to move on to it with only minor problems. (like when it’s too dry) [sherbert’s sugar free?- then fine] Glad you found the place. Throw out Any questions or thoughts and someone here more than likely has experience to share. Best Wishes- Dx
Hey Doug, welcome to the locker room. Great to have you. Sounds like you are cruising on the weight loss. You will find this board a great source of encouragement and accountability if you use it that way. Join us on Sunday's for the weekly weigh-in. And feel free to ask questions any time. I'm about 2 months ahead of you in age so I'd be happy to help in any way. Hope you get the strictures resolved soon. Welcome, Greg