Something weird happend today.
barring any kind of heart disease (attack) or other severe problem, it sounds like you just "bonked" or "hit the wall." In other words, looks like the altitude up there caused you to quickly use all of your blood sugar for energy. So you used up so much of your glycogen (blood sugar) that you got sick and threw up. Part of it might have been also been the huffing and puffing wreaking havoc on your pouch.
If you don't feel better pretty soon, it might be a good idea to go and get checked out. If you're okay now, then it's probably just a matter of too much exertion too fast in low Oxygen.
Hope You're Feeling Better,
Dave, off your OTHER coast...
You bet! My personal medical theories abound, but I think the original stomach had so much tissue that it served as its own shock absorber. The tiny pouch is probably rocked and shaken around a lot more by breathing and everything. I suffered from an internal hernia for about three months. The trapped gas from that pressed on my new system (either pouch, limb or both) and I got full as easily again as when I was just a few months out.
Glad to hear you're feeling better!