Wow, I had my first support group meeting.
Yep, The "Support Group Model" is usually femi-centric due to the make-up of the numbers alone. Add to that- Most are based on the typical "Hospital/Medical model" of "Breast Cancer Support Group"- "Postpartum Support…" etc… Scan any hospital’s website under "support groups" and it’s easy to see that it’s not just thew WLS Community, but the Medical industry in general. More women have more medical procedures performed than Men. It’s socialized into the system. They have babies eventually, so start going soon and often is part of being a woman. (whole other post…) But, in Your WLS Support Group? Men and Women working together are what make the world go round. Why is your Support Group formula any different? It is after all "A Man’s World." We run Countries, Industries, the Planet….. If Your Support Group is Female Focused / Dominated, then go about rising through the ranks to become the CEO that you’re destined to be! Speak your mind. But above all, Bring something of value to the group, and you’ll be given more voice to shape the conversation. Yes? If the other members of the group find what you have to share as valuable, then they find YOU valuable. If you are the one who "brings the map," and it’s clear that you know how to "get there," you will most likely be chosen to drive. Yes? As I tell my students- "You’ll get out of a project, What you put into it." Print up a handout, an article, some questions…etc… Many Men complain that discussions can digress into typical "MainBoard-ish" rants such as- "My Boyfriend doesn’t acknowledge my sacrifices….." "My Co-Workers are Jealous of my new size because…." "Some people are SO un-sympathetic when they…." That, or the –"When I cook for my family now, they want…." These sorts of "House-Wife" and "Girlfriends" discussions can easily surface in a group dynamic where people perceive ‘like-minded acceptance’ no matter what they discuss. If some one is there to gently ‘nudge’ the group back on topic, then the over all experience is improved for everyone involved. Statistically, people who continue meeting with support groups have more long-term success with WLS. So, to get the Stats working for you, try to make your group work or find another that does. You get nothing out of spending a few hours there ‘biting your tongue’ either. Speak up, when the topic involves you. Re-direct it to work for the whole group when it becomes to specific to serve the whole group. If your specific group plans such themes as "Pregnancy and WLS" or other such non-inclusive topics for the meeting, Then miss those and catch the game that night. But let the sponsor / leader of the group know that they are missing out on your valuable input (handouts, jokes, maps) for that session. Sorry to babble on….. Support Groups not being inclusive of Men is a bit of a pet peeve of mine….. Best Wishes- Dx
John C. Odioso Ed.D.
In the meantime, TAKE CHARGE! Tell someone you're not happy...make sure they're someone who can do something about it. Encourage more men in your area to attend and take over the meeting. Don't make it male-centric, but make it WLS specific.
Best of luck with it,