Other Uses for Your "SAD" Light (+ "Testo")

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 5/8/07 6:42 am - Japan

Hey Guys,

Sorry about the tardiness in answering posts. My national holiday string has ended and work has begun.

Recently, I bought a Seasonal Affective Disorder light. I haven't been diagnosed with the disorder, but I live in a low daylight and Asian countries, being big on unity (unity=lockstep) want to have all of their regions in the same time zone.

Well, to make a long story short, today I got really curious about testosterone and did a search. I came up with a connection between one hour per day of bright light and very elevated testosterone levels:



Other ways to naturally boost your testosterone are here:




An article on using action movies to raise testosterone is here:




Of course, directing and set design even of Disney Plays, will give you testosterone levels higher than anyone! (lol, Hi Dx!)


Sorry for the  drive-by posting!


Be Well,





Doug Such
on 5/8/07 7:37 am - Northern, CA
Hi Dave, Thanks for the TIPs (Testosterone Increasing Possibilities). Some of us can use a boost now and then. I like the notion of using action flicks to boost testosterone. Now if I can just get my doc to write a Rx for 'em maybe I can get a tax write-off. FYI: I don't know if this counts as an action movie, but I jus****ched a Forrest Whitaker movie called Ghostdog: Way of the Samurai) that I "enjoyed." It's strange and also strangely hypnotic. Don't know what to make of but couldn't stop watching. Maybe we should do a Favorite Action Movies post one of these days? Hope work goes smoothly.


If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester

Cards Fan
on 5/8/07 8:23 am
Hummmm.....Viagra via Illumination....and no co-pay!  Excellent!  Got wood? Cards Fan
Bobby C.
on 5/8/07 10:18 am - Charlotte, NC
Hmmm, maybe I should get one for work since they keep us in the dark all the time. Bobby

"Midlife is when  you reach the top of the ladder and find out it was leaning against the wrong wall." - Joseph Campbell






Dx E
on 5/8/07 3:12 pm - Northern, MS

Days spent sitting in a dark theater....... or in a dim studio at the computer screen... if it weren't for my Dark-career-choice I'd probably be maniacally happy... Now? Only Mostly-Maniacally happy! One time-zone for the whole place? Sort of like Texas? :haha: Best Wishes- Dx

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