Race Report Posted
Well done my friend - well done!
Yet another example and proof that if one sets their mind to it - virtually anything is possible...that is, if they're willing to put in the blood, sweat and tears. Enjoy the moment AJ - you've earned it.
Enough of the sweet talk and hugging...here's a towel snap in the a$$!! Now - drop and give me twenty!
Cards Fan
Okay, okay Mr. Rockie's Fan...my birds are rather lackluster this year so far, I admit it. But hey, after the gift of a World Series win, this fan is willing to cut them some slack. I for one am not a fair weather fan...I bleed Cardinal Red in good times and bad.
And you can put that flippin broom back in the closet - Cards took Game 2 this evening.
It'd be great if we could get to another game out at Coor's Field...certainly was a good time last season. Will have to see what my travel schedule looks like in the coming months and see if we can work a game in. And you know, you could head this direction too...you need to come take in a game at the new nest in St. Louis.
As you knuow CF, I too like the Cards although I don't bleed Cardinal red. Looks like you be bleedin' a lot this summer. I used to bleed Royals blue but I ran out of blood in 1986 one year after, well you know what happened in 1985, don't you?
A road trip to St. Louis could be in the works as my brother lives in Centralia, Illinois. Let me noodle it and get back to you.