to bar, or not to bar
I’m not a fan of ‘the bars.’
The sweet tasting things have always been a little yucky tasting to me since WLS.
Same with the shakes.
I did do some slimfastlowcarb in De-Caf coffee,
And got to where I preferred it to coffee creamer.
That, I still use occasionally (3 days a week maybe)
I’ve only tried about a dozen or so protein Bars since my surgery nearly 4 years ago.
I am a huge fan of Ostrim Meat snacks. Yummmmm-
Filling and high protein vs low cal. Perfect pouch-filler food.
There is some research that "sweet taste" sensations trigger an increase in hunger. Why they say Diet Sodas tend to cause people to over eat rather than curb appetites. Some also stand by the notion of "Trigger foods" and reinforcing poor eating habits.
I’m thankful that early dumping seems to have hardwired an aversion to sweets into my sub-conscious. It makes it far easier longterm.
Best Wishes-

I eat the atkins advantage barw which have 19 grams protein, 1 gm sugar, which is what the nutritionist recommended i eat. The Pure Protein had too much sugar alcohol which can cause cramping or loose bowels. I am considering others based upon protein, sugar gms, flavor and taste, without the sugar alcohols. Staying focussed, al