Old Timers, What Makes You Full?

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 5/3/07 9:54 am - Japan

Hey Guys,

6, 10, 14 months or whatever length of time post op most of us get an increased capacity to eat OR have to deal with psychological eating. For the benefit of everyone approaching "long term", just wondering what you guys do to get full or continue to lose?

For me, if I want to get full, all I have to do is the following:

1. Water load with 24-32 oz.

2. Eat some solid form of animal protein

3. Follow with a little bit of orange or apple

4. Follow or intersperse 3 with a half handful of raw almond slices

Then if I really want to lose (fast), for breakfast and lunch eat:

1. An isopure protein shake made with water

2. Follow that with the almond slices

3. Snacks are 32 oz. water, followed by sliced raw almonds (low salt dry roasted peanuts also


4. The apples and oranges with this might also allow you to lose weight, haven't tried  this yet.

How about others who are 6 months or more out? Anything that works for you in either of the above categories?

Best Wishes,


Cards Fan
on 5/3/07 10:47 am
Dave, Interesting thread to start...I'm looking forward to see what others are doing. One thing about my intake, there's not a great deal of variety in what I eat.  I've found things I like and things that are conducive to my goals and I stick with it.  I'm surprised that I've not tired of the same old thing day in and day out, but I've not so far.    Plus I very seldom get hungry mainly because I stick to a routine and pace myself throughout the entire day.  But when I do get hungry, here's what seems to get me full and curb my appetite when it rears its ugly head: 1.  Dense proteins (meat and/or cheese) 2.  Dry Cereal or Cooked Oatmeal 3.  Dry Roasted Lightly Salted Peanuts 4.  Sugar Free (No Flour) Peanut Butter Cookies 5.  Green Salad w/ meat and cheese 6.  Apples  I also on occasion add 100% Bran Buds to yogurt, sugar free pudding or fruit smoothies.  This really fills me up fast and the bran has other benefits too - that is if that's a desired result.   25 months out and I'm still not consistent as far as the actual amount of food that makes me full...one day I can eat x-amount of a certain food and then eat the exact same thing the next day, but can only eat a fraction of it.   I still follow the rule of thumb of not drinking 15-30 minutes prior to meals and only sip water with my meals so I don't think liquids are what causes the inconsistency.  I've held the same weight though for a year now so I'm not concerned about the amounts I take in...seems to even itself out. Cards Fan "STEP OFF THE SIDELINES AND GET IN THE GAME!" 
Dx E
on 5/3/07 11:23 am - Northern, MS

Mike, I’ve been off the Boards mostly the last 3 or 4 weeks- How’s it going? You come through your recent surgery ok? All fixed and hitting on all cylinders now?

Best Wishes- Dx

Cards Fan
on 5/3/07 12:22 pm
Hey Dx - it's great to see you on the Boards - it's just not the same around here without your wit and wisdom.  I did have some minor issues with the surgery...some bleeding at the incisions that pooled up around the main incision right at the belly button.  Swelled up the size of a canteloupe - let me tell you that looked really strange and was rather uncomfortable, but not really painful.  Had to change the wardrobe and wear some looser clothing so I wouldn't scare the neighborhood kids with the alien protrusion from my belly!  Tried to aspirate the darn thing and it didn't work so was given choice of removing it with a big ol' incision or just wait it out and hope the swelling went down on it's own.  The swelling did indeed go down and now 8 weeks after, I only have a lump the size of a golf ball - and it doesn't show. Two hernias and one bouncing baby gallbladder gone and I feel better now than I ever have.  Don't get me wrong, I felt great prior to surgery with the exception of the flare-ups I would have from hernias and GB (those totally sucked...wowzers...those hurt worse than any surgery I ever had).  So now, I'd say I'm at 115% of where I was before.  Life is good! Don't be a stranger!  Thanks for checking up on me! Mike J aka The Cards Fan
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 5/3/07 3:44 pm - Japan

Hi CF,

Always enjoy your posts! Aren't internal hernia flare-ups miserable. I only had one and a half because the probiotics seemed to take care of them, but constant feelings of pressure in the gut and just generally dragging. Seems to really pull on the system. I know what you mean by 115%.

My only remainder is the little lumps on and above my ab muscles where the lap port incisions/holes are. Nothing big.

Best Regards,


Dx E
on 5/3/07 11:21 am - Northern, MS

Hey Dave! Well, I’m a couple of months shy of 4 year surg-iversary, And my dietary intake is not at all limited. I do eat a little something about every 3 hours. (started that way at Docs recommendation, and it stuck) I’m never actually Hungry. 3 major meals and 3 little snacks. For an idea of the range of foods I eat? Take any and every restaurant menu in the world, And subtract the items with – Sugar, White Carbs (bread/noodles/rice/potatoes) allow back in a few "breaded/fried" items, And that’s what I eat. Bar-B-Que, (anything grilled) Lots of Veggies, Flocks of chickens and their eggs, Tomatoes, Seafood of all sorts, Peppers, Beef, Beans of all sorts, And very little pork. (that still can sit like a brick in my pouch) For my snacks- I keep a few Ostrim Meat snack sticks in my brief case, And some almonds in my office and studio. Apples also are a favorite. Breakfast is a tie between – eggs - and yogurt with a little bran cereal and fruit in it. Lots of olive oil and little to no added transfats or other fats except when eating out. (hard to control the recipes of others) Snacks at home can often be cottage cheese and fruit or SF sweet pickles- (I know, sounds like pregnancy food, but I love it) The big difference is that now I stop eating right about the same time As I START to feel full. In the past, I would eat a little more once I was already feeling full. I also fill up on about ¾ to 1 cup of food. (depending on how dense it is) I rarely drink anything with my meals and estimate about a 10 to 15 minute wait after eating, before I have anything to drink. Depending on the time of day and day of the week, My weight can be up or down by 3 to 5 pounds. Since my PS swelling went away around last Christmas, I’ve been more constant and the range of weight fluctuation Has narrowed. So far, I’ve maintained for nearly 3 years. Head hunger and/or emotional eating doesn’t seem to be an issue. How’s the healing going for you? And CF?

Best Wishes- Dx

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 5/3/07 12:18 pm - Japan

Hi Dx,

There's a man with self-control. I wait for three hours sometimes at work, but usually it's more like two. I'm a little worried because so far I can eat anything and not gain weight and the exercise/ genetics pretty much takes care of any cholesterol issues. I often worry that the weight rug is going to be pulled out from under me.

Had a bunch of Ostrim in the states. They have a lot of protein for their size and weight. It's really easy to get the protein in with those.

As for the surgery, other than a lump or two on the ab muscles, I can't really tell I've had surgery. People at work think I'm not human, because we've had some people take three weeks off for gallbladder surgery. Then, we had faculty/ staff weight room orientation and I was in there with my 30 year old adjunct faculty training partner doing 330 lb deadlifts two weeks out. They were kind of floored by that. Not only is it the surgery issue, but people here seem to have very set ideas of what a man in his mid 40's is supposed to be like.

Best Regards,


on 5/3/07 3:00 pm - los angeles, CA
i eat the same as you. two protein shakes a day and then some real meat dinner at night. then air popped popcorn or sf popsicles afterward then call it a night. i try not to graze but at night, out comes the popper and cycle!

some days are just 3 meals and other days are up to 7. they both get the same clories by the end. so i just change them up for variety. good post Dave........carbonblob
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 5/3/07 3:53 pm - Japan

Doesn't sounds like to bad a diet, CB. They say popcorn doesn't make you full at all, but then it goes through pretty fast, so in the case of a bypass maybe a lot of the carb goes through unabsorbed. I wish someone would do an experiment. I bet they'd find that a lot of those carbs are just going right through with the fiber. We have a lot of general rules, but who knows what happens to stuff like popcorn and chips if we follow them with 32 oz of water? A lot remains to be discovered.

One thing I do remember, though is that when I ate a lot of popcorn pre-op I would get a lot of abdominal discomfort and it is forbidden for people with gastrointestinal problems. Then, SF sugar alcohols can cause a lot of gas. But hell you gotta enjoy life!

Be Well,




Tim A.
on 5/4/07 3:50 am, edited 5/4/07 3:52 am

CF, Dx, Dave, CB, looks like the gangs all here....hi bros!! I start my day with either a ham and cheese omelet, everything bagel (has 9GMs protein), or dry granola cereal. Add some type of fruit (oranges, apples, grapes, cantaloupe, watermelon, and banana) and a cup of joe with fat free half/half and a pack of splenda. Lunch is meat of some sort, barbeque sandwich, grilled philly chicken sandwich, chinese food (shrimp and scallops in garlic sauce or almond chicken), mexican food (steak or chicken fajitas) or a big salad. Dinner is normally some type of steak, chicken, (no pork, it still taste bland to me), fish, shrimp, or spaghetti, thin crust pizza, or lasagna all served with vegetables of some sort (corn, green peas, green beans, turnip greens, black-eyed peas, rice). Last night we had Margaritaville shrimp jambalaya with a salad. Susan works late so Billy and I get to do the cooking some days. I’m no cook but I can follow the directions on the box.

Desert for me is normally a healthy choice fudgesicle or/and an Edie’s fruit popsicle about 160 calories combined. Some days I have jelly belly jellybeans, I have a limit of 50 which is about 200 calories.  I avoid all fried foods and while I do eat sandwiches I normally only eat part of the bread now. Carbs have never really been a big source of weight gain or lose for me. Atkins really never worked for me back in the pre-RYN days. I can eat natural sugar without issue but if I eat too much sugar it puts me into a woozy coma sensation followed by a headache so I have learned where my limit is. It’s about 50 jelly belly over 30 minutes. The biggest difference for me is the amount I eat now compared to what I eat now. I use to eat enough in one day to last me a whole week now. Food is now just fuel for my body, its no longer the center of my big fat universe. Good to hear from you guys,  Tim

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