"The Deadliest Catch" and WLS
Lately, "The Deadliest Catch" (the Discovery Channel reality show about commercial crab fishing in Alaska) has become "must see TV" for me. Last week my wife asked me why I love that show so much "it's just guys catching crabs, what's so interesting about that?" she asked. This morning I figured it out. For those of you who don't know me to well - I love similies and metaphors and it came to me in a juicy FART this morning. Those guys going out there and risking everything to try realize the rewards of pulling huge numbers of crab are not much unlike us who will stare the risks of surgery in the face in order to gain the reward of weight loss and improved health. Many of them do it for their families. Many of us do it for our families. They toil and struggle with the conditions and pots, we struggle with the side effects and the unique challenges of being a post-op WLS patient. Sometimes, their pots come up empty, sometimes loaded. We're the same way when we get on the scale and can also go through the range of emotions. Pulling up those pots is alot like stepping on the scale and waiting for it to register. I guess that is why I get so excited when I see them pull up a huge pot, it's just like stepping on the scale and seeing a nice decrease. Anyways, thought I would just share that as am sure there are at least a few other LOSERS that are fans of the show like me.