For the cardio-kings out there
My question is this...and I recognize that it's a little bit in the "boo hoo for you" category, but I'll shoot. Having come from the fat-side of life, I'm totally new to this physical activity stuff. Lately I've been pushing my distance out farther and farther. Last night I pushed to about 3.5 miles when I just couldn't run anymore. I had to walk. The wierd part, and herein lies my question, is that although my legs nearly refused to go anywhere, and it was a trecherous walk home, I wasn't out of breath and my pulse was really steady. I even stopped to talk to a friend that was walking by.
Is it possible that my cario fitness has far surpassed my muscular ability? If anyone knows about this type of thing, I'd be glad to hear it. What's the answer? Strength training? I haven't done ANY of it yet, but I'm meeting with a trainer for the first time next week.
Thanks for hearing my "boo hoo for you" scenario.
The prob ( I think ) is just what you said . It is possible that my cardio fitness has surpassed my muscular ability ?
Yes it is possible .
You have lost not only fat , but muscular ability too .
you dont have a need for it anymore ; so ya lose it . When I first started riding my bike it felt kinda the same way . You will have to build up the muscle again . Only this with the marbling fat . LOL Strength traing might not be a bad idea on the days that you dont run . May CB or Dave may have somthing to say too . Keep running and it will get better . Nick
Yep, it's a known fact in the world of fitness. Losing weight and doing cardio will both decrease total muscle mass. Not sure if that is what is causing it, because while losing muscle mass due to cardio or weight loss, most people also become lighter. I also doubt that the effects from decreased muscle mass would come so suddenly. Probably just carb/ glycogen depletion as Nick says. But strength training will definitely help you run faster.
Congrats on pushing your distances... great feeling.
But, really... Isn't this bizarre? I actually ENJOY running now, as well.
Anyway, I noticed this exact thing happening to me about 5 months ago.
It's most likely a quick build up of lactic acids in the muscles and a quick depletion of your glycogen stores in part due to your lower (I'm guessing, here) intake of carbs since surgery.
I've since come up with a few solutions that work for me.
- More water before the run, more water or even a sports drink during the run.
- I know it goes against everything we've been told as WLS patients, but... MORE (good) CARBS! I'm eating over 1000 calories worth of carbs a day.
- Speed Intervals: Jog for 5 minutes, Sprint for 30 seconds (Find the interval that works best for you) & repeat as necessary. This way, you'll push your cardio workout harder and eventually get it to a point where the cardiovascular and muscular abilities are about even.
I'm sure I'll think of more... Hope this helps.
Be Well,
If all goes well, and my body cooperates, I'd like to continue working up to the Bidwell Classic, another local run, but this time a full Marathon. That happens next March. My sister and I also have plans to get a group up for the Bay to Breakers in San Fransisco next spring.
My ultimate goal is to do the Vierdaagse (Four Day) in The Netherlands. It's a four day distance walking event, and is the largest marching event in the world. It started back in the early 1900s (this is the 91st year) to improve health after WWI.
I used to live there, and always wanted to participate. It's a four-day "Walking Woodstock". Thousands of people come from all over the world (43,000 last year) including civilians, and millitary teams. I have participated in some of the tent-city events while I was there, but not the walks. It's great fun!
Each day you walk 30, 40, or 50k depending on what you want, then each night is a FANTASTIC mealtime event including music, and a royal banquet.
You can read more about it on
Who knows...maybe we should plan a 4-Day Men's team for next year. Wouldn't that be something!