Hi Tony,
I never use it, but I'm a firm believer that anyone who has had any kind of bypass type WLS should have a daily dump at all costs. Maybe it's me, but when you think about it, there's virtually no stomach processing and nearly half of the small intestines are bypassed. You never know what the affect of having that partially digested food sitting in the colon might be. That's totally unexplored territory (I think...).
Metamucil is good if it works for you without discomfort. Some people use MOM, some just take magnesium supplements or ZMA supplements, which contain a lot of magnesium.
I take ZMA at night and upon arising I have instant coffee with milk and vanilla Isopure. The coffee and Isopure are generally enough.
You might not even need the fiber supplementation if you eat a few handfulls of raw or dry roasted nuts every day or get some flax meal. You'll also get your necessary fatty acids from these and a good testosterone boost.
If I had to choose two for sheer dump-ability, it would probably be the nuts or flax and then the ZMA at night. ZMA has pretty high quantities of zinc, too which is probably good for anyone with decreased absorption. Got that one from Chris Lubrecht. (Chris? Chris? Where are you man?)
Best Wishes,