Well guys I have not posted for awhile, but I try to read daily. I am in the hold pattern for Tuesday morning and my stimulator implant. Time just does not pass by fast enough. I sure appreciate all of your prayers and support thru all of this.
This bit of humor just cracked me up. I hope it does not reflect to much on my State of Indiana. But the truth is the truth. And we make jokes about red necks.
I wonder what kind of a vase you would use to display them!
I wonder if they come in different colors!
I wonder about the fragrance!
I wonder if it would help to put those preservative packets in the water!
I wonder whether they would look better on the kitchen table or in the
I wonder if t hey are cheaper by the dozen!
I wonder if they come in long-stemmed!
Where Home & Garden Meet
Captured at 115th and Allisonville Road in Fishers (Indianapolis). The sign
is real and was up for about two hours before someone stopped and told them
how to spell peonies.
If you have a prayer request whether WLS or personal, please visit our website at www.packardministries.org and click on PRAYER or email me at [email protected]
You will be added to our daily prayers. One of our ministry objectives is to support those having or had WLS. Pastor Dan
You haven't lost a step in the humor category there DP. Good to hear from you.
Dan underthegun is doing a terrific job keeping us supplled with humor but I do miss your posts.
Hope you get all situated there with the electrodes and stuff soon.
Prayers don't cost a thing and really work as you are proof. I'm still pulling for your continuing rapid recovery as I know all of us out here are.
Hey, I saw some of that here in a Chinese medicine shop! Poor deer! Wasn't fresh, though. Looked like it was preserved in alcohol. They also had a local viper, as well as some bear gall bladder (this may have gone out of vogue). All of this was pre-Viagra, though. Viagra may have been one of the best things ever for endangered species.
Hey Dan, relief is on the way. Thoughts and prayers here.