First of all, Thank you guys for all your responses to my LUNCH CRISIS post. It's nice to know that when I really need an answer, there is someone lurking the board to respond quickly.
As I read all your responses, I began to wonder if you all were RNYs. Sure 'nuff, I go to the board and spy all the posts and BINGO! Y'all are RNYs. I neglected to mention that I was a 16 day post-op Lap-Bander. While my eating regimine is very similar to yours, I can tolerate a bit more. My band has not been filled yet so, my "stoma" is probably quite a bit larger than y'all's. This is evidenced by a hasty mistake I made one night while rushing from work straight to Lodge. No time for a meal so, I thought I would slide into Jerry Lee's, a local grocery store. They have a hot meal deli that sells a la cart by the pound. I figger'd, hmmm... protein.... CHICKEN LIVERS! I grab me four livers and a moist piece of fried fish and haul butt outta there. I get to the truck to find that those livers were GIZZARDS. Disappointed, I used my new "table manners" to chew the p--s outta those little buggers. Chew, chew, chew, chew... let's just say that chicken gizzards are OFF-LIMITS to any bariatric patient FOREVER. As a slowly and thoughly ate these gizzards I began to hurt and a tickle at the back of my throat began to grow. Not wanting to hurl, I switched to the fish. I felt the gizzards one bite by bite slip through my band as the pain a tickle subsided. If had had my first fill, I would still have those gizzrds today!!