Thursday Coffee Talk
Good Thursday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine! Gotta spray them pits and eat them whatever..............
It's gonna be a wonderful day!
Our challenge today is to laugh. I heard on the radio yesterday that (only caught the tail end) there is a National day of laughter coming up in MANY countries. Laughter helps heal. It helps relieve stress, It healps you forget your troubles. SO LAUGH TODAY! When you hear something funny, LAUGH!
It's ok to laugh. It takes more muscles to frown than it does to laugh. So c'mon ya'll.....laugh a little!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on some Starbuck's Casi Ciello and it is so good. VERY BOLD!
I hope you have a day that is so full of laughter till your sides hurt!
Be blessed!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Laughter is a good thing. If you have a hard time laughing at work, consider a job as a training instructor at a military technical school. This has been one of the funest and funniest jobs I ever had in the military; as active duty and civilian. Taxpayer's children do some of the dumbest stuff. You can't help but, laugh at them (in private of course). It was even funnier when I was active duty and one of the "Principals" of this place.
Sippin'? You guessed it. Greasy, Brown Sludge. There was an oil slick rainbow in my cup this morning
. That means a crusty ol' retired MSgt got to the Bunn Machine before one of the Noobs!

Well Randall my man, this was one of our easier assignments. With stuff from Dan underthe gun and Dan P and comments from guys like Russ, and the occaissional flirting like NotDave and William/Jeff on the hairless FART,...a laugh is hard to avoid on this Board.
It one of the reasons I come here daily, to get a pick me up from the dulldrums of routine life.
Sucked down a banana witha n OJ chaser this morning and had to lay back down for 1.5 hrs, me thinks I got to much sugar or fat but sure it was too much of something. Made it to work at 10 and am back on the protein and water.
Happy Thursday