Do I suck that bad.
Relax, you're doing fine. I read your posts, I also read all of Randall's posts. Just rarely reply as I'm already inundated with email from work and grad school. It's not uncommon for me to get over 500 emails a day. But you bring up a good point so let me say thanks for taking the time to break up my day from the grind.

No man your humor does not suck. Even though I have been limited to my time on the computer, I get on here and read your humor and also Randall's daily post. Like others have said, I have not always replied but just get my shot of humor and inspiration and move on with my day.
I sure do miss doing the daily humor that I had done for over a year, but medical conditions put a limit on that. I am so thankfull that you agreeded to step up and take over for me. By the time you have your surgery I should be able to step up for you.
Best wishes on getting a surgery date real soon.
Thanks Daniel for you help and support for me.
If you have a prayer request whether WLS or personal, please visit our website at and click on PRAYER or email me at [email protected]
You will be added to our daily prayers. One of our ministry objectives is to support those having or had WLS. Pastor Dan
Hey Daniel,
I read your posts just about every day and should have let you know long before this how much I appreciate them. I pass your jokes along to my buds and they're always a hit.
Glad to see you have a pre-op appointment and I hope you don't have to wait too long after that for WLS.
Again, thanks for keeping us in good humor and for the wake-up call about letting guys in the Locker Room know they're valued.
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
Were sorry to inform you but you will need to wait least a 6 months before your surgery, now that you have taken on the position of jokester, you will not be allowed to have surgery until Dan gets better so that we can have a guaranteed supply of jokes.
Just kidding, GOOD LUCK, hope too see you on the loser bench soon!!!!

Like everyone else I too read your jokes. I just had my pre-op meeting, -I guess that was what it was... The doctor told me to lose 20 lbs before surgery, After 10 pounds call for a schedule date.
I'm going through the VA Hospital so I heard through the grapevine they are good about reschedules because of lack of beds, etc. Anyway, they told me they where booking into July now.
Lost 7 pounds in three days which means I should beable to call and get scheduled this Monday as long as I keep to my diet. Anyway, good jokes and good luck. Hope to have my picture posted one of these days.