Post Lap-Bander Question?
Not a lap bander but just wanted to say good job on your losing.
I lost 30-something lbs the first 2 or 3 weeks too,... then dropped off to 4 lbs in 2 weeks followed by an astounding 10 lbs. But it all adds up. My body seems to lose it blocks now. Drop 9-12 lbs then stall for 3-4 weeks. but during those weeks, the waistline changes, the flab and sags shift or new ones appear. It almost like a body adjustment period before it will give up some more pounds.
Just keep that protein and water thing in the forefront and I'm sure you are going to see some good results reagrdless of your choosen surgery type. You are doing a great job. Keep it going.
Rocko, that is a great start. It is very common to not only not loose weight, but in some cases gain weight until you are properly filled. I would say 39 pounds is great. I think I did about the same ( us guys are lucky we loose faster!) This is totally normal and like I said, most would be jealous of your fast start. Just wait till you get filled and you will be on your way again Keep it up!
Banded May, 9, 2006 by Dr. Cribbens. Abdominoplaty on 02/11/08
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