First post-op restaurant experience.

If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
I’m coming up on year 4.
“Head hunger” stopped being an issue around 9 months to year 1.
By then- HABIT was in control of most all of my eating choices.
What I do find now is that I’m just a picky (or pickier) eater.
Prior to WLS, there was pleasure associated with the “Full Feeling.”
I could start eating something that wasn’t particularly “Good”
But the act of wallowing and getting to that “Full Feeling” (actually stuffed)
Was pleasurable and so I’d keep eating even mediocre food.
Now? Somehow knowing that I only get “So Much” before it gets painful rather than pleasurable, if I have a bite of something that doesn’t rate a 9 or better on a ten scale, then I stop eating it and try something better.
It has become second nature to think-
“Why waste my eating on something that’s not A-Number One?”
Why I used to go to those “Schee-Schee” Restaurants, I would think-
“This is ‘Food of the gods!’ But the portions are just big enough to **** me off!”
Now? Those High-End restaurants are perfect!
I’m Full, on fresh-ingredient preparations that would have just been a start before. I also have lost the “Clean the Plate” instinct. Better to waste the food (no matter how good or expensive)
than have that bad feeling of being “over-full.”
All of this babble to say-
The filet mignon is just that- the best/nicest cut.
Quality kicks Quantity’s Azz!!!
Get over the thought of “Life without Steaks.”
The future holds Steaks, just not the “Volume! Volume! Volume!” versions.
As with everything- Your Mileage May Vary, (but not by much.)
Glad to hear you got to meet up with Floyd.
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable

Daniel Patrick Fluharty, NBCT
Be yourself, nobody can tell you that you are doing it wrong!!