Back from Internal Hernia Surgery

Doug Such
on 4/22/07 2:33 am - Northern, CA
Hi Dave, I am on a stall, been bouncing around the low 230s for three weeks--232 to 235.5 mostly. I'm going to bust it this week though--cutting out nuts, upping cardio (without jeopardizing strength gains), etc. The weight training is going well. I'm still not into huge weights, but in the last couple of weeks have moved up to 150 lbs for two different shoulder presses. A personal high. I do pyramid sets, so the two heavy sets (4 to 6 for 8 reps****ur as sets 4 or 5 out of 6 or 7. I love it. One other thing. A few weeks back I mentioned the book Brothers of Iron on the forum. It's a memoir by Joe and Ben Weider. You might enjoy it. Good to hear from you.


If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 4/22/07 6:40 am - Japan

Hi Doug,

The nuts may cause you to stall, especially if you are taking in any carbs. One of my first workouts was 90 minutes of pyramids every day. The tone was unbelievable. I hadn't been working out prior to that (age 18), so I also got big time strength gains. Reps are becoming trendy, perhaps due to the high rep workout that the "Greeks" in the movie 300 had to do to get in shape. I think they were doing high reps, kettlebells and sprints and other power work. Just google "300 workout".

150 is up there. It's good to do those shoulder presses, not only for shoulders, it also works the upper chest.

I'll check out that book!

Best Regards,


Beam me up Scottie
on 4/21/07 1:00 pm
Dave glad to hear your doing good.  Man if you get any younger (just saw your new avitar) your gonna be back in high school.  Do people even recognize you, you look totally different then you did when I first started coming to this forum.   BTW thanks for posting about the internal hernia.  I have started to get severe "gas" pains after doing my ab work outs.  I actually actually stopped doing any kind of abdominal work a month ago, because for 2 or 3 days after the work out, I'd feel like I had gas trapped in my stomach.  I thought maybe it was something I ate, but time and time again, I narrowed it down to the day I worked out my abs.  That evening and the next day were the worst, and it would slowly get better the day after and by day 3 or 4 it was gone.  After reading your post, I think I'm going to call my surgeon and have him examine me.  I mean as long as I don't do the ab work out, I seem to be ok, but why take the chance?  Again I'm glad to hear your doing good.  Scott
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 4/21/07 1:37 pm - Japan

Hi Scott,

Thanks, that's great to hear. No people don't recognize me. Old students, etc. don't know who I am. Staying away from dark places with alcohol and young women - don't want to awaken any old addictions! (haha!)

It is conceiveable (based on the visuals if you visit the site above) that you have torn Omentom (fat which works as a kind of positioner to the small intestines), that the bending during situps could cause twisting. A piece of paper glued to a sodastraw keeps the straw from kinking only if the paper itself is not torn. That's the way the omentum works. Torn omentum can cause twists or kinks in the intestines. The surgeon staples, then you lose weight, which cause the omentum to pull on the staples, which rips the omentum.

The trapped gas is a sure symptom, but not an absolute determiner.

It's worth getting checked, because if it becomes strangulated and you have to have emergency surgery, it becomes a pretty dangerous and long order and chances are, it won't be a bariatric surgeon who works on you.

Good to hear from you and good luck,


on 4/21/07 4:46 pm - los angeles, CA
good to have you back and all in one piece! hang in there.....carbonblob
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 4/22/07 6:32 am - Japan

Hi CB,

It's great to be back! Thanks for your help and support while I was away.

In the meantime, while I'm sleeping more easily and have recovered my regularity, it's a lot easier to eat more. I can tell I'll have to watch it OR drink more water.

Been downloading and watching Gene Simmons Family Jewels. Looking at that Beverly Hills house and weather made me realize how lucky you are to be there in sunny SCal.

Do you ever do the outdoor Venice Beach gym? I walked by that one time and wanted to try it.

Best Regards,


on 4/22/07 7:06 am - los angeles, CA
hey, no problem, glad to help out while you're out. keep up with the water, that seems to cure everything nowadays.

yep, some pretty nice homes out here. i install in a lot of mansions around here when i'm working with the high end cabinet companies. lots of movie stars houses. i worked out a few times at the venice gym as a guest. those guys are huge and you just don't go there and work out! i live less than 10 minutes from there. it's not very sunny today though. i have to admit, there's no other climate like ours. gail and i were trying to think of a place to retire but the only other places with our climate cost just as much as our place so that sucks. i think we'll stay put because we're so so next time you find yourself flying into LAX let me know and we'll hang and i'll show you the sites.........carbonblob
on 4/21/07 9:13 pm
Great news Dave.  Glad things went so well and you were able to get back to it.  Always miss you on the boards when we don't hear from you.  Here's to a very healthy recovery. Greg
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 4/22/07 6:50 am - Japan

Hi Doug,

Good to be back. Missed you guys too. It's Monday a.m., I'm up and ready for a new day of class preparation. These girls are enthusiastic about my lessons and I want to keep it that way.

Thanks, I think I am pretty much recovered. The anesthesia so far may have even kick-started me in some strange way, or perhaps the hernia had been throwing me off in some unknown way. (or maybe it's just those new students!) I feel great. Tomorrow the bandages come off and I'm cleared for weights and swimming.

Best Regards,


Jim G.
on 4/21/07 9:31 pm - Waverly, PA
Dave, I'm happy to hear that everything worked out well for you.  You appeared to bounce back very quickly.  We missed you on the board.

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