UP to 2 Miles!
Hello everyone. I am on week two of my NO FAT 1800 Calorie diet 3 month diet (FEEL like a rabbit). I have been walking more and more and I think I am loosing weight. (That is what everyone is telling me) I don’t have a scale (I HATE THESE MACHINES) that will weigh me and I have two weeks before I see my NUT.
Every since they put me on insulin I have become weaker. WE changed insulin and I am doing better. Walking has helped me bring down my dosage by half.
Eight months ago I could not walk more the 20 minutes without taking a break. NOW I am walking up to 2.25 miles a day in less than 45 minutes for a total of 3 to 4 miles a day just doing normal every day walking. (Work, Store…) For me this is great. I bought a pedometer for my wife and me and it helps keep track of all kinds of stuff.
Felt so well I just had to share it with everyone. Thanks for all the support everyone give on this forum.