How quickly things change.

on 4/19/07 7:36 am - Chico, CA
This morning began with me taking brownies to my children's daycare for their bake sale. Over the course of the day it went from the home-towney feeling of parents coming together to raise funds for the school, to frightened parents racing to pick up scared children, and a school in lock-down.

Today, in a city close by us, the hunt was on for a man who wanted to end it all in a blaze of hatred. Allegedly, this man told his pastor last night that he was going to commit suicide-by-cop in a display that would make Virginia pale in comparison. Luckilly, sofar the extent of his terror has been the schools in an hour radius closing down, and a battery of police staking out a sad little apartment complex where they believe he is holed-up inside.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of Columnbine. Let us pray we are spared the rules-of-three this year. We've suffered enough as a country.
on 4/19/07 9:39 am - los angeles, CA
here come the copy cats. even this cho guy copied a movie and the columbine guys. what a bunch of losers........carbonblob
on 4/19/07 10:11 am - Franklin, MA
Hi Jake, So sorry to hear about that sad occurrence......and you know that anything school-related hits very close to my home as well.   When is this country going to wake up and revise its gun laws?
daniel patrick
on 4/19/07 10:41 am - Glen Burnie, MD
GOOD GOD!!!  Having just gone through this similar thoughts and prayers are with you.  What is going on with our children..our society?  I just don't understand what this is all coming from and coming too....  Please know that I will be hoping, praying, thinking, and pondering about your family's safety.... d

Daniel Patrick Fluharty, NBCT
Be yourself, nobody can tell you that you are doing it wrong!!

Marcel L.
on 4/19/07 11:46 am - Longueuil, Canada
Sometimes I wonder... If instead of trying to keep everyone from having a firearm, you let everyone have one. First: make firearm handling mandatory in school so kids know HOW to handle firearms, and know they are NOT toys. Would 30 get killed before someone took the shooter down? Would people rob others at gunpoint when so many around also would have guns? Would so many invade homes if anyone had a gun and could fight back? If everyone had a gun, maybe the bad guys would think twice before assaulting anyone with a weapon. Might even bring back courtesy: I mean would you start yelling and cussing at everyone if they were armed? Just a thought, Marcel

NOTE: No trees were killed in the sending of this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

on 4/19/07 2:12 pm - Barboursville, WV
Hi Marcel,  Have you ever wondered why these cowards choose schools? Its because they are gun free zones, nothing but victims there, no one to shoot back.  Law abiding citizens obey the laws, but no matter what laws are written criminals will never give a rats ass. Police can only react after it is to late.  One person willing to defend his and other peoples lives would have ended this, if the law were to allow law abiding citizens to carry weapons on school grounds.  I think it is every man's responsibility to be prepared to defend himself, his family and any innocent person that needs help. If my daughter or son was on that campus, I would have wished some would have been there to intervene.  Thats why I have a concealed carry premit and carry where I can legally do so. I am not paranoid, but I am prepared. I was taught gun safety as a child, I taught my wife after we were married and my son and daughter when they were old enough. They all know how to safely handle a firearm. Marcel your comments are extremely valid and given Canada's extreme gun laws I am sure you know of what you speak. Criminals will never obey gun laws. All that happens is honest law abiding citizens will be disarmed.  pan head
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