scared as hell after 3 weeks, but going back to work
It will have been 4 weeks off from work, but I didn't want to use anymore of my remaining time.
My status has been ok...been only semi-successful at home with dietary adjustments, drinking liquids...but doing real well with exercise, joined YMCA and have light work-outs of 25 minutes, 15 bike, 10 treadmill.
I'm not sure how to keep up getting my protein amounts and all of my liquids in, as far as what should I bring, how do I handle shakes, puddings, etc., know what I'm saying.
Any ideas?
Hi Al, I do better at work than I do at home. I think it is because it is more structsured. I eat breakfast at the house. I bring a lunch with me to work along with two small tupperware containers premeasured with protein mix in them. I have the little packets of SF drink mix, "wal-mart brand crystal lite", at work and as soon as I get to my desk I mix a bottle of water. For lunch I have some kind of meat and vegie. I bring a snack, most of the time some small chunks of habanero cheese and some no sugar added apple sauce and sometimes some beef jerky. I also bring my vitamins and take them through the day. Like I said I do better at work getting my liquids and protein and every thing else for that matter than I do on the weekends. Here at work it is part of my routine. pan head
In my case, people also started eating more healthful around me. In place of the usual doughnuts and coffee in the teacher's lunch room every once in a while the odd veggie platter, or crock-pot of soup shows up.