I had my one week post-op follow up today.
All went great. I had my staples removed, didn't even realize that he was removing them until he was about half done. No pain at all. Nothing is infected or draining or any of those wonderful things.
My weight 2wks pre-op was 396lbs. My weight day of surgery (last Tuesday) was 389lbs. Today I weighed in at 362lbs.
Most importantly, I'm already feeling much better.
Impressive loss there Robb.
Glad you are doing well. With that kinda loss, we be needing some pictures and a few FARTS from your direction in the near future. And uh,...find yourself a nearby Salvation Army or Goodwill store. Sounds like you'll be needing SMALLER clothes at a pretty good clip here,...real soon. New ones at the rate you're lossing could break the bank!