RNY And Fruit. What Works?

on 4/11/07 9:35 pm - Kissimmee, FL
I know everyone is different. I guess what I'm asking for is some feedback on how eating different fruits have affected my fellow RNY'ers. I'm especially curious about: Apples Grapes Grapefruit Oranges (Orange Juice) Pears Bananas Mangos Peaches
on 4/11/07 10:17 pm - Mastic Beach, NY
My Dr. told me to stay away from high acid fruits juces like grapefruit, lemon, lime and orange for at least 6 monthes after surgery and then watered down. Apples are good but take off the skin. All the rest are fine. Eat them all the time no problems at all. Mellons age great to.
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(deactivated member)
on 4/11/07 10:54 pm - Houston, TX
hey Fish.... apples are my best friend...I cut them really thin, my biggest problem is wanting to chomp a big bite, and then things get stuck...so it cut it thin, about 20 peices, and they go in good... grapes...ok watch the skins, they seem to go better frozen grapefruit/oranges...watch those little membraines if you are pealing them yourself, those little membranes, will clog you up quick..and the foamies will get ya pears, slice thin banana....small bites...that goo can cause the foamies mangos and peaches, and mellons....they get really juicy, and I have a tendenciy to put too big a bite in my mouth, and swallow too soon....so you see the problem OJ...if I chug it...I get the sugar dumps hope this helps Russ
on 4/11/07 11:57 pm - Barboursville, WV

I am 17 weeks out today. The only fruit I eat thus far is no sugar added apple sauce. I take one of those and some habanero cheese for a snack at work. Strange combo but the sweetness of the apple sauce goes well with the heat of the habanero cheese. pan head

on 4/12/07 12:06 am - Pittsburgh, PA
I am 3 months post op and still not allowed fresh fruit except bananas.  I can use any canned fruit in own juice or packed in water except citus fruits -- high acidity.  Juices are off limits because of acidity and sugar content. Rich

on 4/12/07 12:48 am - Willingboro, NJ
Berries are great.  I know they're not in season now, so you'd have to defrost frozen ones if you really want them now.  I look forward to having blueberries every year.  I just go down to the local farm and by them by the 10 lb box which I polish off in about a week.
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