PBS special topic
When I had my surgery, I was told to expect to keep off 80 % of what I lost. I started out a 571 lbs and got down to 331 within the 18 month window. I started to regain weight but my surgeon thought that was part of the normal bounce back weight. Back then, no one was talking about the possibility of getting down to one's ideal weight (back in 2000). I knew going in for the surgery that I would end up some place in the 300+ range after surgery and that that would leave me at a weight where many other members were just starting there journies. So, I knew that my weight loss journery would be much different from many other men. I conciously tried to keep in touch with other super morbidly obese men to support them on their journey. One man that I could relate to went by the nickname of Crow and he is now on staff on ObesityHelp.com. I believe he ended up as a 300+ man also.
what an inspiration you are SJ! i knew a man who was 600+ and he came to see his mother in the hospital when i had my surgery. so we met and he got down in the 200's. in all he lost over 500 pounds. he was very heavy before the surgery and got up to almost 700 pounds! so i say you win! 300+ is fantastic considering where you had to come from. great job sj......carbonblob
I'm a 6'5" man. This morning I weighed 362 lbs. I'm never going to be the 215lbs marathon runner those charts claim "normal" is for me.
When I did weigh 215 I was busting my hump in a gym trying to bulk up, because I was worried about guys were kicking sand in my face and walking off with my girlfriend. I was healthiest and comfortable at 235-240lbs. If I can get back to 260 and stay within 10lbs. of that the rest of my life I'd be totally satisfied.
To hell with Professor Ivorytower and his BS charts.