
on 4/10/07 9:51 pm - Sarasota, FL
Sorry I haven't been around lately.  On the Upside,  I went in for my 2 week Post-op checkup on Monday  (4/9)  I'm down a Total of 36lbs!  And I'm actually starting to see a Physical difference. Downside - Some of you may remember I had mentioned that I had a Hearing Loss?  Well to refresh your memory.  The day after Surgery I was discharged from the Hospital (wed. 3/28/07)  I came home and pretty much slept all day.  When I woke up Wed. Nite I couldn't Hear out of my Left Ear.  Didn't really give it a second thought until I woke up Thursday Morning and still couldn't Hear.  I tried popping my Ears, no luck thou.  So Friday I went to my Doc.  He gave me some Anti-biotics (Keflex) saying it was a Ear Infection.  By Sunday I still had no change.  So I  have  a  Doctor  whom I'm friends with, she told me to come in and she'd take a look at me.  Went in, said she didn't see an Infection, so she took me off the Keflex, and started me on Prednisone (Steroid)  Well being a Diabetic and having problems in the past, I decided not to delay and Monday (4/2) I went to a Ears, Nose, and Throat Specialist.  They did a complete exam.  I have lost 95% of my Hearing in my Left Ear.  So he kept me on the Prednisone, and wanted to see me back that Friday (4/6) for another Hearing Test, and if there was no improvement they would do this Surgery called a "Microwick"  you can go to this link and see what it is: I am being told that it's a Nerve Problem!  So I went back on Friday and there was no improvement, so the Surgery was done.  I'm now putting the Prednisone directly into my Ear 3 times a day, still with no improvement.  And the Biggest Kicker is, no one knows what caused this!!!  I went to bed, and woke up Deaf in my Left Ear!!!  The first week or so was driving me absolutely Insane!  But I think I'm starting to adjust to not hearing now.  I have to return on April 20th for my follow-up.  I think if there's still no improvement they will order a Cat-scan. I guess the good thing is, the Place where I'm having everything done, is the same place that Developed the "Microwick" in 1999 "The Silverstein Institute" here in Sarasota, Fl. So that's the reason I really haven't been around lately.  I appreciate your email's asking where I've been!  I'm just very, very frustrated as you can imagine.  All the Medical people I speak with say they've never heard of anybody going to sleep and waking up Deaf.  Well hear I am!!! I've also checked with my Surgeon and asked him if this was do to Surgery in anyway?  He said no.  So now I just sit and wait... Best Regards, Rocko~~
"Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin Feels

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on 4/10/07 10:04 pm - Mastic Beach, NY


Sorry to hear about the hearing loss, my prayers are with you and maybe they will figure it out soon. Nice to hear about the weight loss though….at least a little light in the tunnel. Be strong and have faith and hopefully it will all come out in the end.

You can gain knowledge from anyone.
Keep an OPEN MIND and you will learn.
Chuck N.
on 4/10/07 10:20 pm - Salt Lake City, UT
Damn Rocko - that sucks.   What bizarre timing too.   So, has there been any improvement since the Microwick procedure?   If not, is there still a possibility your hearing will improve still? Congrats on dropping so much weight already - isn't it an amazing feeling?  Keep up the great work on your WL, and best of luck with the hearing problem - sounds like you are being treated by very competant professionals.  Best of Luck bud, Chuck
on 4/10/07 11:06 pm - new city, NY
that sucks Rocko.  hangin there and keep us posted on the hearing.  on a better note congrats on the weight loss. adam


Doug Such
on 4/10/07 11:21 pm - Northern, CA
Hi Rocko, I'm sorry to learn that you've had this downside on top of the ordinary hassles of recovering from WSL. You seem to have a good, strong attittude and some top notch medical help. I hope the hearing loss gets corrected soon. Glad you let us know how you're doing.


If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester

Chris M.
on 4/11/07 12:56 am - Cornelius, NC
Rocko Hey man I am sorry about your ordeal - that just sucks!!!.  Just keep trying with the differnt docs and get this straigtened out.   I will keep you in my prayers. Chris 326/211/175
on 4/11/07 1:27 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Good to hear from you man.  Thank for letting us know what happeing with you.  I am glad you stayed after it and got somebody that knewwhat they were dealing with.  Hope it can be fixed or stablized at the very least.  What a kick in the head.  But nice job on the weight loss and glad youa re progressing nicely on that side. Take care of yourself and stay with it.  Let us know as the mysterys continue to unfold.
on 4/11/07 1:38 am - Fresno, CA
Wow, sorry about your issues with the hearing loss. I will be praying for you and hope the Microwick will fix the problem. Great job on the wieght loss! Sucks that you just started this journey and then this happens! Keep us posted. Oh, welcome back.
"To Realize One's Destiny is a Person's Only Obligation" Ben
Jim G.
on 4/11/07 9:16 am - Waverly, PA
Rocko, I was sorry to hear about your hearing loss.  That must be difficult to deal with especially right after your WLS.  Hang in there.  I hope things improve for you.

Marcel L.
on 4/12/07 9:09 pm - Longueuil, Canada
Hey buddy, Sorry about the hearing loss. (Are you sure you didn't go to sleep with a gum in your mouth?, my mom used to say it would end up in our hair or ear during the night. Go figure) 36 pounds? that's nothing to sneeze at . Congrats you're loosing way faster than me, guess you have more willpower than I do. Then again, if I remember correctly, you're still a young pup, that's probably why you're ahead of this game Good luck on getting that ear fixed.

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