Cookbook Sales
How do I say THANK YOU for all the incredible support that I have received from you all!!! I can't believe this...but I sold my first 300 cookbooks!!!! No formal advertising. No real marketing or selling. Just word of mouth and more word of mouth. Just recently, I ordered my second printing of books. This time, they will have a formal ISBN number. This means that I will be able to really market them. Now I have to learn how to truly market this book. I do have little website that the hospital put together...but now, I need to really get moving on it. The website is: nuID=277 . I have also been doing several speaking engagements and most recently, I have been asked to become a faciliator for a local support group through the hospital. Needless to say, surgery has been a very positive endeavor in so many ways. I still struggle with the issues of body image..and I am forever worried that I am eating too much...or the wrong thing...but, I am learning. As an aside, I went to Walmart today to buy a pair of pants (the cheap $10.00 ones). Just for the fun of it, I tried on a pair... Fit quite well, but just couldn't buy them..head issues. I could fit in and close...and breathe in a size 30. I don't ever remember being in a size 30. Down from a 56/58... I was amazed...
Daniel Patrick Fluharty, NBCT
Be yourself, nobody can tell you that you are doing it wrong!!
Ah dang! I was just talking to the wifie about buying one. Any idea when they'll be available again?
But CONGRATULATIONS! Self-publishing is an über task. I've worked the book market for a decade or so, and niche market sales is a tough place. When you get up and revving again let me know. I've got a GREAT, active support group out here in California that I'd be happy to introduce your work to.
Remember, nothing tastes as good as thin feels....and by thin I mean skinny-jeans!