I'm approved!!!!!!!
Hey guys, I'm approved! I got a little scared yesterday. When I got home from work my wife said the insurance company called looking for me but wouldn't tell her anything. Said a letter was mailed out Friday explaining everything and that I should receive it in Monday's mail. Well the mail came and no letter. Worried all night and most of today thinking the letter was a denial, especially since the Dr's office never called. Well, the mail came at 4 this afternoon and she called me at work, I told her to go ahead and open it. Wow, what a surprise! I called the surgeon's office to see if they had gotten their copy but they hadn't. His girl said to fax it to her in the morning and she'll call me at work to set up a date.
Way to go. The only thing more exciting is getting a date, well except for the day of surgery. That pretty exciting too. Well , then there recovery and the actual lsoing weight, but that isn't as exciting as when you start dropping pant sizes, except for when youo lose shoe sizes,...well you get the idea.
I am really very happy for you and hope your journey is as exciting as mine has been for me.
Keep us up to date as the excitiment unfolds. We all love a good FART.