Apologies for sudden absence!
Talk to you soon, Dave
Hi Jim,
Yes, it was good to see the family again. I ate too much and thought I had gained four pounds, but that was jus****er retention and was gone the next day. It's kind of scary. I ate a lot of chips and salsa, ice cream and other stuff, only worked out five times and didn't gain a pound. This really makes it hard to correct the eating habits. I'm really going to have to think about this more carefully next time I go back. Most of the time, I'm sitting around with elderly people, which makes it easy to eat for pure entertainment.
Best Regards,
If you have a prayer request whether WLS or personal, please visit our website at www.packardministries.org and click on PRAYER or email me at [email protected]
You will be added to our daily prayers. One of our ministry objectives is to support those having or had WLS. Pastor Dan
Hi Dan,
Hope the back device is working well for you. Yeah, I should have made a post the day before I left, but just got too busy/ tired. I also got in the habit of posting just any old time of day, which might have been affecting my work a little. I'm going to try and keep it to evening time (in Japan) from here on out.
Good to be Back,
Hey Tim,
Looking good in that ride, bro. Is that a convertible? You are really looking good. The states was good. Got to see the family and enjoy some relatively warm weather. I also bought one of those circardian rhythm lights, because where I live is not exactly the sunniest of places and due to the lack of any daylight savings adjustments, there's a lot of wasted daylight time. I also thnk the lack of body fat is making me cold, which only adds to the hibernation response. I think the light is actually making a difference. It's sad, but March to June here is one of the cloudiest times of year. I hope to counteract that with the light.
Ate too much, as I said in the post above to Jim, but didn't gain any weight. I'm a little afraid of getting a false sense of security and then having my metabolism one of these months to slow down. However, now that I'm back here I'm back to low flour and sugar. It's a fine line, though, because I don't want to lose any more weight either.
Nice Hearing from You,