Keep an OPEN MIND and you will learn.
Al, Almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and sunflower seeds have been my friends since I first started to eat them at about two months. They make a nice snack that I like and they’re high in fiber. The fiber is important if you have problems with constipation; need I say more. They are also fairly high in a fat, which helps with the bowels, so limit yourself to an ounce or two a day. Having said that, I don’t think we can digest them very well (as the toilet paper will attest) so they probably don’t contribute that much to our caloric intake. The bottom line is that I recommend them. As far as the trail mix, I stay away from it; though I’ve been tempted many times. For me, the sugar from the raisins and m&m’s would make me sick.
May Your Lantern Burn Bright,