What's the deal on water with meals?
Baja, 2 schools of thought on that one… First- the liquid will give the person the feeling of being full sooner, and that’ll cause them Not to get enough overall nutrition. (that one doesn’t seem to hold water "literally" after the first 4 weeks.) Second, and this one does make more sense…The water washes the food on out of the pouch sooner, and therefore the person gets hungry sooner. Terry, M.D. Simpson, Medical Director, Arizona Surgical Associates, Claims that "washing the food through the pouch" leads to both getting hungry sooner, ability to eat more, and more ‘indigestion and gas’ due to food passing too quickly into the intestines from the pouch. My doc was a stickler about it. And also about "water loading." Drinking extra water before eating, to ‘plump-up’ the intestines, so that less food would leave me satisfied longer. It does work. So, there’s a whole "Ritual" for some folks around exactly how long before eating they stop drinking, and how soon after they start back drinking. For people who "get-off" on Rules, it seems to help them. I believe in the old saying- "Rules make excellent servants and terrible masters." If I want to get full faster, I’ll drink extra water before a meal and stop a little before I eat. If I’ve been getting hungry to soon between meals? I’ll stop drinking anything with my food. That way I manipulate how I’m using the "Tool," Rather than slavishly following some rule. Yes? The whole when to drink, how much and when to stop is all presented in "The Pouch Rules For Dummies." And if you don’t mind identifying yourself as "a Dummy" They Rock. But I find the "principals" useful, but not following it "to the letter like a dogmatic religion. So Far? Coming up on 4 years, 3 at or below goal? I’m sticking to the "Use it when I need to" approach…. For a link to "The Pouch Rules for Dummies" check- http://www.nikkiinmd.com/pouch_rules.htm
Hope this answers? Best Wishes- Dx