Your The Best...
Hey Rocko,
I know you can't help feeling anxious. Just follow your doctor's orders for the day-before prep and then you're out of it for a bit--literally. The surgery itself is "easy"--just like taking a nap. Once you're on the other side, you'll be busy walking, drinking, walking, drinking . . . and sipping broth, sucking on sugar-free popsicles, and, proably, dozing off in a recliner.
It's not as bad as it sounds--just mostly uncomfortable and boring, like waiting in doctors' offices for appointments and standing in line at the DMV.
We're pulling for and confident that you'll enjoy the ride!
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester
Hey Rocko,
The time is almost here for you. I'm so glad for you too.
As I said if you are as lucky as I was (well except for the obstruction) the rest was a breeze.
Had surgery Monday, out Tuesday, driving my car Wednesday, no problem
The only recommendation I have for you, is bring some ear plugs if you have trouble sleeping in a noisy environment (they sell pretty cheap at the drugstore, usually) The yellow foam ones are real nice: you roll them between thumb and index to thin them out, insert in the ear where they expand again and voilà a nice quiet environment to sleep in.
God speed to you my friend.