9 days post-op. Is it possible to drink TOO much water???

Chuck N.
on 3/23/07 9:46 am - Salt Lake City, UT
This seems like a silly question, but is it possible to drink TOO much water at this point?   I'm not GULPING it or anything stupid, but I'm drinking about 125 ounces per day at this point.   After day 7, my surgeon's instructions are "at least 6 ounces of water per hour" - and, I am exceeding that.  Anyway, I'm very blessed and have experienced no problems with eating or drinking at this point, but was sitting here wondering if it's possible to damage the pouch by drinking too much!!!!!  Again, I'm not gulping, and I never feel like I'm full or stuffed, so I don't think I'm "stretching" it or anything, but I was wondering what everyone's experience was. Thanks, Chuck
Paul Gubrud
on 3/23/07 11:07 am - Pelican Rapids, MN

Chuck, I don’t think you can over do the water.  You’ll just pee more, which is good as it flushes away the wastes from metabolizing fat.  Keep drinking, get some fresh air, and get your walking in.   You’re doing great.

May Your Lantern Burn Bright,
Chuck N.
on 3/23/07 11:12 am - Salt Lake City, UT
Thanks for the response Paul.   I didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but I've just been so surprised at how uneventful things have been post-op.   I sympathize with those having trouble, but I am so grateful to be having such an easy recovery (thus far - knock on wood).  I have a history of kidney problems, so I have always been encouraged to drink a lot- and, it is obviously a key to weight loss - but, I am also very worried about stretching the pouch since I don't really feel anything in there when I drink or eat. Chuck
on 3/23/07 11:12 am - Barboursville, WV
Hey Chuck,       My Phys. Asst. told me tha****er would pass through. I would compare it to a funnel, if you pour a lot in at one time it will back up but run out. I was told as long as I was careful not to gulp or chug liquid that it would be ok. You have to be careful in the begining to allow your pouch to heal and not to stress it . I am 14 weeks out and take normal drinks now. If I drink a little to much or to fast I will have some discomfort for a few seconds but it passes. pan head
Chuck N.
on 3/23/07 11:28 am - Salt Lake City, UT
Thanks Pan head.   That's kind of what I was thinking, but I'm pretty obsessive-compulsive about doing everything right, so I thought I'd post and see the feedback.   So far, there are no signs that the pouch is having trouble, and I'm following all my post-op directions to the letter.  But, when it turned into "6 ounces or more per hour" I just wanted to make sure I wasn't over doing it. Chuck


Dx E
on 3/23/07 11:21 am - Northern, MS

Possible, but not probable. As long as you’re not Over-diluting the sodium and potassium levels. Maybe get in some chicken broth with all tha****er?

Check "Wise geek" link-



It does happen sometimes to Marathon runners Or those drinking huge amounts of water while sweating it out fast. Percentages figure into it. If your total body/liquid content is (X) ozs Then too high of a percentage would deplete electrolytes. If you’re 150 soaking wet, the % of water being "exchanged" would be greater. Yes? Do take a multivitamin with minerals But you should be just fine.  As for "stretching" it with water? That would be very difficult. The water goes on through. It does "plump-up" the small intestine though which is how the "water-loading" trick gets people fuller on less food. Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Chuck N.
on 3/23/07 11:30 am - Salt Lake City, UT
Thanks for the info Dx - informative as always.    Chuck


Jim G.
on 3/24/07 7:11 am - Waverly, PA
Chuck, I also drank a lot of water post-op and actually still consume much more than the required 64 oz. minimum.  I haven't run into any problems at all.

Chuck N.
on 3/24/07 8:07 am - Salt Lake City, UT
Great to hear......   I'm definitely a water drinker, and I guess my openning at the bottom of my pouch must be just the right size, cuz so far everything is going down very smoothly......   Thanks for the input - it's good to hear what other people are doing.    Chuck
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