Three weeks postop with a question
on 3/21/07 12:21 pm - Houston, TX
Jeff, Probably a bit of dehydration and Reduced Fat in your diet. Add a teaspoon of olive oil spread over the day into re-fried beans and such. Maybe opt for a few less "Low-Fat" and No-fat" food choices. I don’t mean "slather on the butter," But do get a touch of Mono-unsaturated fat back in your diet. "Moisturizing" Body wash, over usual soap, not so hot on the water in the shower either. That'll dry your skin as bad as extra coffee, or worse. That and some fragrance free "Nivea" type lotion should fix You Up. Some dead outer layer skin is often the result of anesthisia. After all of my surgeries, I had to use "foot scrub" to de-aligator my feet. Best Wishes- Dx
Hi Jeff, Good to see you’re still progressing well. Some of the itching may be from the hair on you stomach area growing back along with the dry skin. Their is a monthly support group meeting next Tuesday evening 6:30PM at DRH if your up for it. The topic this month is about sleep. FYI - Bob M. and I have been discussing starting a men's only support group for the triangle area if you’re interested. Something like a monthly poker game format with occasional road trips. I'm thinking it should be like the old Al Bundy - "No-Mame" Club meets WLS kind of group. Let me know what you think of the idea. Good luck and glad to see you’re doing well...