Pre-Op Meeting!
Man I feel like a Kid on Christmas Eve! 6 more days! I have my Pre-Op meeting with my Surgeon tomorrow @ 2pm. Very Excited! But what are we going to discuss? What's he going to make sure I still want the Surgery? He's already got all my Pre Testing results, everything is fine. He required at least a 10lb. Pre Surgery Weight loss, I dropped 14 so far. Wow, I'm babbling...Just getting ansi I guess.
Christmas eve? my birthday. anyway, babble away. it's a good release to come here and blow off steam and excess energy until the "day". good job on the weight loss. every pound helps the doc. he's probably going to give you last minute tips and talk about pain, walking, the tight hose you have to wear, cathater, pain meds, sipping and eating etc. the clearer view you have going in the less scary it is. i don't think he'll ask if you want to pull out but maybe he will. you're ready to go forward and as you see, everyone of us here wish we had done this sooner. good luck......Carbonblob