So, what's the matter with popcorn?
Dennis, Early on folks and many docs say avoid it because the kernels / hulls can scratch the healing staple lines. But once you are further out, and able to eat all crisp veggies, it won’t physically do you damage. The only "argument against" it I’ve seen that makes a little sense is that it can be a "trigger food" for some and start them down the road to habitual snacking. But that’s only for those who would fit that description. I’ve enjoyed it all along. I don’t keep it in my house, but I always have some when I go to the movies, and I have it with butter! But, I figure it into my calories for that day and cut back on other calories to offset the butter. I’ve kept it as just something I have at the movies, and not as something I mindlessly snack at while sitting on the couch watching TV. So Far, that’s been just great for me. (I do see a lot of movies) If you find that it leads to excess snacking? then back off. If not, then should be fine. What works For YOU, is what works. Yes? Best Wishes- Dx