last week before surgery Mar 26
Hammering away the pounds!
Great! You're closing in on the big day. After surgery, make sure to drink all the water you can, walk as much as you feel you can, and get all the rest you can for sure.
Getting off the sugar and caffine are the two big obstacles to get past. The rest will pretty much take care of themselves. Try not to overeat just because you still can. I think drinking the shakes are a good thing, keep in mind they may taste horrible to you after the surgery. Your tastes change alot after surgery. I wouldn't buy much before surgery, maybe some SF jello or pudding, some water, too. After surgery you'll want to try things one at a time. First to see if you're pouch can handle it, second to see if you can handle the taste. For me, the biggest hurdles were caffine and sugar. Before surgery, I consumed enough for three people, no kidding. I tried to kick them both at the last minute and it caused some problems, nothing I/you couldn't overcome. During the first few weeks it seems a little odd to fill up after only a tablespoonful or two of liquid/food. This doesn't last long at all. Every few days you will notice you can eat/drink a little more, a little faster. Before you know it you'll be on regular food and enjoying life. I look forward to reading your future posts on the Sunday Weekly Weigh-In.
See you there.
Here's to a speedy recovery on the 26th!!!!
One other thing, when choosing protein shakes, try getting a trial pac****il you find the one that tastes good to you, then buy the humungo tub.
I wish you the best with your Surgery! My thoughts and Prayers will be with you. I got my Pre-Op Instruction call today from my Surgeon's Nurse this Morning, so I now feel the Real Excitement for the first time!
All The Best My Friend,