Absolutely know what you mean. I'm cold all the time. The key is that reduced calories. They are called kilocalories for a reason, because they generate energy and heat. As we don't eat enough to sustain our current weight, we get cold. I use the getting cold as a evidence that I am losing weight.
It was 73 here in Nashville this week and I was still wearing a long sleeve shirt and comfortable. 6 months ago I would be sweating in that at 62 degrees.
The thermostat wars have switched in our house. I used to be hot all the time at night. Now, I'm the one raising the temperature and my normal sized wife is hot all the time.
I also went threw the Im so cold faze but along with that I went threw the how come it hurts to sit stage! All that insulation did two things for us. Kept us warm and sitting on our So I sit less and am up doing stuff more(it helps keep me warm) Hope everyone is having a great day, Derrick
Rny 07/20/2004.
My other site is:
Hey Dan,
We all go through that. At my 3 mo. follow-up class, the doctor told us she stopped doing individual quarterly follow-ups because all the patients had so many common issues and questions, it helped to get everyone together. As an example, she said, "Is everyone freezing?" I don't remember her technical answer about fat cells adjusting, blah, blah, blah,
I'm 5 months out and I'm just starting to get a bit more comfortable. However, starting about month 2, I couldn't get warm. It has been a real adjustment; extra blankets at night, long sleeve under****s, and lots of sweaters and sweatshirts from the Goodwill Store!
It is a pain, but I wouldn't take back the 100lbs to feel warmer.
Best of Luck,
Thanks for all the input fellas. I agree with one thing for sure.. I do NOT want my 80+ pounds back. Spring is coming soon.. and only a few months til a 2 week fishing vacation at Leech Lake.
I'll enjoy sitting in the boat when I'm not steaming on the inside!
Now... if you'll excuse me... I have a hot tub in the back yard calling my name :)