
David B.
on 3/14/07 10:45 pm - Keller, TX
Does anyone here know anything about tinnitus and what to do about it? I'm about ready to go nuts. (Wasn't that the reason ole' whatshisname, the composer, ripped his own ear off?)
on 3/14/07 11:25 pm - Deep in the Heart of, TX
RNY on 12/11/06 with
Well, there was the painter that cut his ear off and mailed it to his girlfriend...but that is a whole other story. I have had tinnitius since I was about 8. I had several really bad ear infections and ended up with a bunch of scar tissue on my ear drums. Ringing in the ears can have a couple different causes, and it is very important to see a doctor about it, because one of the them can be very serious to your health. I use a few techniques to get past mine. I sleep with a soft radio playing. I have been using REMs Automatic for the People for at least 12 years and have programmed myself to fall alseep with it. I rarely hear past the third track. Having any pleasant noise to focus on helps me not focus on the ringing. Mine gets worse with my pulse rate and blood pressure, and is definitley tied to them. I hope your condition is not serious or permanent. Please, go see the doctor if this is new to you. JP
David B.
on 3/15/07 1:33 am - Keller, TX

The ringing doesn't keep me from sleeping.....The ringing came along about the time I started flying.... it might have something to do with the pressure changes. I also have a big wax plug in the right ear. I'm going to see the ENT Monday so he can dig the thing out. My PCP checked my hearing with the tuning fork thingy and says there's no apparent hearing loss. It's just aggrevating.

What cause are you referring to that can be a serious helth risk?

Marcel L.
on 3/15/07 1:46 am - Longueuil, Canada
Tennitus sucks! I've suffered from it for so long, I don't remember what silence is.  And although that statement may sound funny to some, it is a reality to me. I have worked in a noisy environment when I was in my 20's (metal working shop) and I believe the noise may have induced mine, that coupled with scarring of the ear drum due to ear infections Scarring which also led to me wearing a hearing aid for the last 2 years in my right ear, which is the ear that rings the most (actually it's more like a high frequency whistling that has modulation  resonance at other frequencies (imagine the same continuous sound in different octaves). I can sleep with mine, and have learned to "tune" it out. But It sometimes drives me nuts, especially knowing there is no known cure. Thanks for the opportunity to vent, not many people can understand what we go through. Do talk to your doctor, and good luck.

NOTE: No trees were killed in the sending of this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

on 3/15/07 12:06 pm - Deep in the Heart of, TX
RNY on 12/11/06 with
Mine is a cluster, B Flat, B natural and C. Similar to a 60 Hertz electrical hum, but an octave higher. Hearing aids for me someday too, I am sure. Last time I was checked, I was hearing at about 24 dB in my left ear, so it won't be long. As well as the ear infections from hell, that lasted three years, I played in bands from my teens until late twenties. I am sure that didn't help. I wonder about all the people I see running around with iPods with those ear buds. I wonder if they know how much damage they can do if the volume is up very high? JP
Ron .
on 3/15/07 1:54 am - DFW, TX
Hey DG, My ears get clogged and start ringing when I fly as well. I'm not sure what the problem is, but it usually takes about a week for it clear up. I've never seen a doctor about it though.  Ronnie
David B.
on 3/15/07 3:34 am - Keller, TX
I suspect mine is induced by pressure changes with altitude and prolly the cerumen plug is contributing in some way. I feel a bit of pressure pushing inward on my ears most of the time, and I wear a headset when I fly, so I don't think it's noise induced. But I guess we'll see what the ENT says.
on 3/16/07 2:24 am - Meridian, ID

Had it for a long time.  Too many guns and tanks.

White noise has always helped me deal with it.  In an airplane the engine whine is about the same tone, so it bothers me.  Some noise cancelling headphones help tremendously.  Or an ipod.  Anything to cover/drown out the whine.

I have been told by doctors for many years that there is nothing they can do for it.  All they can do is council you on how to deal with it.

on 3/15/07 1:51 am - Barboursville, WV
My PCP told me there was nothing that could be done for it. I credit mine to making poor choices when I was young. Motorcycles and guns. Still ride motorcycles, (with mufflers), and shoot guns but with ear protection now. I have a constant high picthed noise all the time. Some times it is worse than others.  There are some homeopathic remidies, but I haven't tried any. Next time I see my PCP I think I will ask him for a referal to an ear speciallist.  pan head
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